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Ladies and Gentlemen! Road Canado! Before you start, I want to remind one fact. ...

This Russian aggression must be completed by our victory - President Vladimir Zelensky's speech at a solemn meeting of Canada Parliament

Ladies and Gentlemen! Road Canado! Before you start, I want to remind one fact. This fact is very important to understand both Ukraine and Canada. And what we have to do. Do together. 1983. The city of Edmonton, whose history is so closely intertwined from the fate of Ukraine and the Canadian Ukrainian community. That year and in Edmonton, the world's first monument to the victims of the Holodomor was erected. Thank you very much! Established in memory of genocide against the Ukrainian people.

Genocide, which was made by order from Moscow. The world's first monument. In Ukraine, there were no monuments to the victims of the genocide of Ukrainians. Because Ukraine was then controlled by Moscow. This fall, 40 years have passed since the first and so important honoring of the victims of the Holodomor. During this time, much has changed. Ukraine gained independence. Ukraine restores its own historical memory.

And dozens of other states - their parliaments, governments - have recognized the Holodomor with the genocide of the Ukrainian people. In only one year there are already 11 such recognition. And I am sure that the world - the whole world - recognizes the truth about the Holodomor. But there is no change in 40 years or 90 years since the Holodomor. Moscow now, as always, seeks to control Ukraine. But it does not reject any remedies, including genocide.

It is genocide that is that Russian invaders do with Ukraine. And when we want to win when we turn to the world for support, it is not about some "just a conflict" there. It is about saving millions of people. Literally physical salvation. Ordinary men and women, children . . . our families. Whole communities. Whole cities. The destruction of Mariupol, or Volnovakha, or Bakhmut, or any other city or village in Ukraine should not remain unpunished.

Life and justice should win - everywhere in Ukraine, for all Ukrainians. This Russian aggression must be ended in our victory so that Russia has never returned or could even try to return the genocide to Ukraine. Moscow must lose once and for all. And she loses! Dear speakers! All the Parliament of Canada! Justin, Mr.

Prime Minister! Ladies and gentlemen! Dear representatives of communities and cities! All Citizens of Canada! In my opinion, one of the most defining features of your state is that justice is not an empty word for Canada. Another extremely important fact about you - you never, never make a political bet on hatred and enmity. You are always on the bright side of the story.

Both during the First World War, and during the terrible wars, and during the Second World War, and during the Cold War, you always defended freedom. You defended justice. I had no doubt that you would choose a side of freedom and justice even when Russia went to a full -scale war against Ukraine. Thank you. But it never happens that it is enough to choose the right side. You also need to be a leader. You know. I thank you for that, Canado! Thank you for political support for Ukraine.

This is really leadership support that is of global importance. Because when you fight for something when you fight for light in human nature, the false neutrality of others in such a struggle begins to look obviously immoral. When you see real leaders, everyone who is afraid to be real, speak, fight, only two options remain. Either you change, or you are despised. I thank you, Canado, for the fact that for many in the world you are just such a model - a model that prompts others to protect life.

Canadian support for weapons and equipment for Ukraine has allowed us to save thousands of lives. These are air defense, armored vehicles, and shells for artillery. And very important help in demining. Thank you! Canadian leadership in sanctions against Russia for this war and terror really prompts others in the world to follow your example. I am especially grateful to you for the extremely strong, one hundred percent of the leadership support of the Ukrainian movement in NATO.

For your powerful participation in the training of our soldiers. It is very important. This is a tradition when Canada trains those who protect the world. Thousands and thousands of pilots during World War II. Thousands and thousands of Ukrainians now. This is what there is no victories - training. Thank you for it! Thank you for their economic support. To help Ukraine get rid of dependence on Russian nuclear fuel. And this is not only progress for us.

Ukraine and Canada, together with partners and friends, demonstrate everyone, which is quite realistic to completely get rid of doubtful Russian atomic technologies. In addition to the purely technological danger, the Russian atomic industry also serves the Moscow political expansion. Russia uses nuclear technologies and the construction of nuclear power plants - as gas and oil - for political attacks against the sovereignty of other nations.

Russia tries to break the sovereignty of others by its manipulation of energy resources. By all energy resources. Because more peoples will be free from Russian energy resources, the faster the energy in the world will again become only energy - only a resource, not a weapon against sovereignty. Another important area of ​​our cooperation. Literally justice. Today, in negotiations with Justin, with Mr.

Prime Minister, we discussed the Canadian initiative for G7 to strengthen work for the confiscation of Russian assets. The funds that Russia and its associates spend on war should be directed to fair compensation for the losses caused by war and terror. Active and global work also requires a fair prosecution for the crime of aggression and for absolutely all crimes - the consequences of aggression: from every death through the war to all the facts of our people's deportation. Children and adults.

Every life needs protection. Every nation that has been attacked needs fairness. This is the world. For other potential aggressors to see that the war for the aggressor ends with sentences. I urge you, Canado, to spread your ability to be leaders to other countries, especially in this matter - on justice, conviction for aggression, to compensate for damages for aggression, to ensure that the aggressor feels the strong.

And above all, I want to thank you, Canado, for a purely human - for helping Ukrainians feel at home when they are here in Canada. Thank you. It's not just a history of history. It is the inheritance of characters. The Canadian Ukrainian Community is millions of Ukrainian fates that have become Canada with all its variety of communities. Liberty. Courage. Such is our special inner sense of justice.

The ability of our people to bring comfort everywhere they come, build and create, not destroy or humiliate. Ukrainian flags in Canada are the same everyday life detail as absolute trust in Canada in Ukraine. In fact, this proximity gives many answers, including answers to the question of this war. Can we give up? No. Can we betray the light that is in human nature? No. Can we put up with evil? No. Can we allow our identity to be erased? No.

Ukraine and Canada are the same - we stand and fight for life. Ukraine, not genocide, will be the winner of this war. People will be winners, not the Kremlin. Freedom will be the winner. Justice will be the winner. You can know this exactly about us, because you know exactly about yourself that you would never have obeyed evil.

I thank you, Canado! And one day in Edmonton, as in other cities of the world, as in the cities of Ukraine, there will be a monument in honor of the victory of our people in this war. Our common victory with you. With you - the people of Canada, with all your communities, with all your legacy, the heritage of good. Ladies and Gentlemen! Today, my beautiful first lady and I had the honor to meet with the Governor-General of Canada, a highly respected Mary Simon.