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In the aggressor country, they explained that new tanks would not show themselve...

In Russia, it was acknowledged that "armatus" would not appear on the front line: the observer caught the manufacturer on lies

In the aggressor country, they explained that new tanks would not show themselves in battles, their high cost. Oleksandr Kovalenko dismantled four factors that indicate that money is just an excuse. Russia stated that the army has received a new T-14 T-14 tank, but it will not appear at the front. Whether the high cost of equipment is really the reason for this is the joint material OBOZ. UA and the Information Resistance groups. Oleksandr Kovalenko is convinced that it is not just a high price.

The manufacturer promised to put the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of more than 2 thousand tanks on the basis of the universal armature armature platform by 2020, but at that moment the enemy army received only a research party - an imperfect battalion. Shortly before the promise, the technique "showed itself". During the rehearsal of the parade in Moscow, the T-14 "armature" plug, it was even evacuated with the help of Bram.

In August 2023, a new tank was decided to demonstrate at the Army-2023 forum. However, even on a flat surface made of concrete and twitter, it overcame the distance, swinging and whispering. Shots were made at low speeds and during braking. "It was obvious that in the field in the rough terrain, the case would be worse.

Over the past years, not only did the Armatia's problem with the transmission were not only fixed, but in general the tank remained extremely raw in the balance of mass and dimensions, as well as other indicators - in including mobility, mobility, ”Kovalenko emphasized. In the context of accessibility and speed of service in the T-14 fighting zone, the T-72/80/90 line loses. Its engine requires special equipment and sequential technological processes.

It is necessary to clean the nozzles outside the box using Bram. "Such difficulties are caused by the fact that on the engine 2V-12-3a cylinders are placed both from above and from below, even though the radiator is contained on top of the power plant,"-explained the observer. In addition, the tank would be a problem for military units. It has a "too big profile", the length of its body reaches about 11 meters.

Such dimensions do not fit into standard hostile boxes designed for the maintenance of other tanks-T-72, T-80 and T-90. "The mass production of them adds a headache in the issue of retention. So it turns out that first requires a large -scale reconstruction of the I/h, and then the mass production of tanks," Kovalenko stressed. The T-14 is protected by the Russian complex "Afghanite", but it is "not brought to order.

" In addition, it would not save the "armature" from shocks of ammunition type Javelin, which attack from above. "The reason is simple: his kham does not have guides upwards, and they are distributed solely on the frontal projection," the watchdog said. In addition, the tank towers did not implement the concept of embroidery panels, that is, in the case of charging, it will have no chance. Instead, the ammunition was separated from the crew by a 40mm partition that will not save.

"Because in the case of detonation of fragmental-Fuga BC in the absence of a channel of removal of excess pressure, the tank is laid, and in this case the T-14" Armat "is no better than the Soviet concept," Kovalenko explained. The T-14 is equipped with a system of counteraction to the presentation, which should protect the equipment from the defeat of ammunition with laser backlight, including Bayraktar TB2 UAVs.

However, in the conditions of domination in the sky, FPV-ames have lost its relevance. The T-14 does not have a serial production line and is collected "as a designer"-from details of small-scale, artificial production. However, Russia lacks the necessary machines, tools and molds for such production. Each part, spare parts, element requires its own line.

"For example, the long-suffering and tortured engine 2V-12-3a of" revolutionary "X-shaped structure is collected and sawed, roughly speaking, manually. Yes, everything is simple-for production 2V-12-3a a plant is needed, not a utility at the Chelyabin Tractor Plant where one engine is sawed in 3-4 months, "the observer said. Kovalenko called the high price of the technique "quite realistic, truthful justification".

The T-14 production cycle takes up to half a year, and during this time it is possible to remove from storage up to 500 T-54, T-55, T-62, T-72, T-80 and T-90. "T-14" armata "is not only raw, with a large number of defects and malfunctions of the tank, but also unaddressed before the modern war. We will remind, Zona Militar observers estimated Russia's chances of restoring the production of early A-50U aircraft.