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The latest A-50 aircraft was released in 1991, and for decades, Russian weapons ...

The Russian Federation intends to restore the production of DRLS A-50 aircraft: how real it is-experts

The latest A-50 aircraft was released in 1991, and for decades, Russian weapons have only modernized existing machines. The network has information that the Russian air and space forces have adopted a new aircraft of the early warning and management of A-50U. The news was accompanied by rumors of research initiated by the Russian industrial complex to determine the feasibility of restoring the production of aircraft in this class.

This was reported on March 4 by Zona Militar observers, analyzing Russian sources. The authors of the publication pointed out that officials, on the one hand, did not report the A-50 aircraft lost recently, on the other, the Rostech State Corporation has only limited to previous statements that new planes would be built. In addition, there are rumors that modernized machines will replace an outdated A-50 park.

In addition, the head of "Rostekh" Sergey Chemezov made a more bold statement that these planes are not only needed by the Russian army, but they are still "well for export. " At the same time, some Russian "military experts" were indignant with the officials of the official, noting that the loss of specific aircraft will not remain without consequences for the Russian forces.

Moreover, the latter A-50 was collected in 1991, and during these decades the corporation was only engaged in the modernization of existing aircraft. It is not better in Rostekh and the latest aircraft of DRLS A-100 "Premier", whose propagandists spoke about the production of propagandists in 2010.

There was information that the problem with the manufacture of these machines was related to the lack of any foreign components, but the corporation's management was silent which and why they could not be purchased before the introduction of such an anti -Russian sanctions. It is noted that the first A-100 had to rise into the air in 2014, that is, before the introduction of export restrictions, but this did not happen.

Critics say that this machine was developed by technologies of the 2000s, so it is outdated for at least 10. Regardless of the situation, wrote observers, the receipts of a new upgraded A-50U will enable Russian PCS to increase the number of these vital aircraft at the theater of military action . And if manufacturers consider the renewal of work on new A-50 aircraft to fill in operational losses, it will replace the outdated units in the current park.