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Sweden was a neutral country during the Cold War, but cooperated with NATO in th...

NATO's Dirty Secret: Ukraine can protect itself from Russian aggression as an example of Sweden - the media

Sweden was a neutral country during the Cold War, but cooperated with NATO in the field of security and intelligence. The USSR knew about it, which as a result acted as a deterrent factor of military aggression. The event can help Ukraine protect itself from Russian aggression without joining NATO on the example of Sweden during the Cold War. About it reports The Hill.

"NATO's dirty secret is that since the end of the Cold War, it has never allowed a country that, in his opinion, he may have to protect against Russian aggression," the media reported. During the Cold War, Sweden was formally a neutral country that had a powerful defense-industrial sector and a capable army. However, the country has cooperated closely with NATO in the field of security and intelligence.

At that time, the cooperation was secret, but the USSR knew about it that as a result it acted as a deterrent factor of military aggression. The publication noted that the event can help Ukraine become an updated version of Sweden during the Cold War. To do this, you need to increase the support of the restoration of the defense industry, training of the Armed Forces and close cooperation in the field of security and intelligence.

These are bilateral agreements that the US and allies have signed or sign with Ukraine. In particular, stable support should be guaranteed for at least the next decade. In addition, assistance involves cooperation in reforming the economy and political system of Ukraine in accordance with European standards. "The Swedish model worked partially because Sweden was a strong democracy with an effective market economy," the message reads.

As a result, negotiations on accession to the EU are crucial for Ukraine's long -term security. Yes, Ukraine can create a reliable restraining factor against Russia outside NATO. "But this will never happen until NATO preserves the illusion of membership and seduces Ukraine to strive for it. It is time to give up this imagination and focus on what possible and enough for Ukraine's security," the message added.