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According to Russia, to involve students and other minor students in their work ...

Without the consent of children and parents: in Russia plan to involve students in compulsory work

According to Russia, to involve students and other minor students in their work will be without them and parents of consent. The State Duma presented a bill that proposes to amend the requirements of students related to their participation in socially useful work. The authors of the bill propose to review the concept of "education" and supplement it with a new aspect aimed at developing hard work and responsible attitude to work and its results in students.

About it reports the Russian edition of TASS. At the same time, it is proposed to exclude a situation that prohibits the involvement of students and other minor students in work without them and parents of consent.

One of the initiators of the bill Olga Kazakova shared information about what types of work can be offered to children without their consent: planting trees and flowers on the territory of the school, participation in the design of classrooms or school sites for various events, assistance in the library or museum. For the first time, the Udmurt parliamentarians talked about this initiative.

They advocated the organization of school workshops, technoparks, student production teams, labor units, summer labor and recreation camps. It should also be reminded that during a new meeting, the State Duma adopted a law on the Unified Register of Servicemen, which provides for the sending of stories in electronic form.