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Director Anastasia Trofimov states in her picture that the Russian Federation ha...

"Russians in the War": A scandal was made at the Venice Festival through a movie about Ukraine (video)

Director Anastasia Trofimov states in her picture that the Russian Federation has never attacked anyone, and is exposed to the Russian soldiers who simply "want peace". She also does not explain how she got to the front as part of the occupation formation. Ukrainian directors call the tape of the Prapoaganda, which distorts reality. The Venice continues the film festival, which officially presented the documentary "Russians in the War" (Russians at War) of the Russian director Anastasia Trofimova.

Trofimov previously worked on Russia today and uses all Russian propaganda tools in the movie. The premiere of the film was visited by Ukrainian producer Darius Bassel, who brought to Venice the documentary of director Olga Zhurba "Songs of the Slow Slow Earth. " Bassel and told her emotions in Facebook after watching the movie. Bassel noted that at the Venetian Film Festival, a movie called "Russians in the War" is in the same section as the mourn.

And after viewing, it seemed that it is a prime example of purely Russian propaganda. Director Anastasia Trofimov said that "Since the beginning of the war on February 24, 2022, many bridges between Russia and the West were destroyed. " And she wants her film to become "perhaps not a bridge, but at least a rope through which I can throw the bridge and which will help us to see each other. " Also in her picture there is enough propaganda and frank lies, or silence.

"After all, the director concludes that they are poor, ordinary Russian people who manipulate the war with larger political games. I found this opinion funny because the director, like Putin and his regime, plays with these people in an interesting game. They deprive Their simple ability to think and make decisions for her. They support this war, isn't it? " - Asks Bassel in his post. She notes that every "normal" person who will watch the film of trophimova will feel sorry, sadness and emotions.

But it should be remembered that the Russians, shown in the film, joined the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation voluntarily (and this is shown in the picture). Bassel also reminds that it has been announced that ordinary Russians have no choice that are not involved in the war in Ukraine - it has no meaning, although it is constantly repeated by propaganda both official and so -called Russian opposition.

Only Putin and his entourage in the war in Ukraine and his entourage, because, "simple Russians" in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, bombs into Ukrainian cities, committed military crimes in Bucha, Irpin, Mariupol and commit them now in temporarily occupied territories. "While I write it, and you read it, the Ukrainian cities are beating rockets. The buttons press ordinary Russians.

Do their crimes are less significant only because they claim that they do not know why they are involved in this war?" Darius Bassel notes. She emphasizes that Anastasia Trofimova's film presents a very distorted picture of reality, spreading false narratives: calling the Russian invasion and annexation of Crimea by the Civil War; assuming that the Russian army does not commit any military crimes; Presenting those who are entering the aggressor army, victims.

She acknowledged that she did not watch the Oscar -winning movie "20 days in Mariupol," saying that she had no time. Olga Zhurba's film "Slowly burning songs," said she liked "the first 15-20 minutes, when people just started to find out that the war was beginning . . . I found it really strong," Trofimova said.

"However, I did not like the finale because Ukrainian and Russian children are allegedly opposed: Ukrainian children think what they can do to build a better Ukraine in the future, and Russian children are shown by marching and singing military songs . . . It fits into A general picture that the Russians are by definition aggressive and terrible people, "the director said.

When asked by Reuters journalist, whether the movie "Russians in the war" is an attempt to hide the image of Russian troops against the backdrop of documented military crimes such as Buchan mass massacre, in which more than 450 people were killed in the first days The months who lived in a battalion with Russian soldiers have not seen any case of committing at the soldiers of the atrocities or at least a strong desire to kill. "What I removed is largely in line with what you saw.

Of course, there is a lot of material, but we didn't hide anything from the audience, and I had the opportunity to visit almost anywhere and everywhere," she said. In an interview with "People Baikal", she never explained how she found herself in Russia, and how she got to the Russian battalion. Trofimov states that she met the hero of her tape, Elijah at the end of December 2022, when she was driving from the shooting from the Moscow.

"It turned out to be Elijah that he is from Donetsk, that he was at war on the side of Russia and goes from the hospital to visit his family after injury. He was given four days of vacation . . . We exchanged phones," Trofimova says that in January 2023 Elijah She called that his battalion was removed from the front to the rear for reforming. And she "asked" to shoot with the camera. "I say - you, quite crazy, I have no permission, nothing.

He says - nothing, everything, you will say that you are whose wife. The press of accreditation and without the permission of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, says that she simply came to the occupied Luhansk region and the commander of the platoon allowed her. She also acknowledges that she violated the main rule of military journalists: she was at a hot point in the form. Journalistic international rules clearly state that journalists should be different from the military.

"I ordered me to be given a military uniform -" that they would not be shot inadvertently, "Trofimov said. She also managed to take all the materials to Moscow and then to Toronto. At the same time Mstislav Chernov and his colleagues with the risk of life were taken out. College Mantas Quedaravichus, director of the movie "Mariupolis" from Lithuania was killed by Russian invaders. Many generations to them, to slaughter in a clearly unfair war.

They can cry, talking about dead comrades, to differentiate with the injustice of the authorities, but they do not argue with the right of the state to send them senseless to die, " - wrote Rodnyansky. He also noted that the characters of the film of the Trofimova film are answered by answers to questions about the whole of war," repeating the mantras of Russian Television: "One People", "Brothers", "We are on another's earth, but all are guilty.

" "Sometimes it seems that the film is made to order the smart officials of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation or the FSB," - summarizes Rodnyansky. Olga Zhurba, director of the painting "Slow Songs of the Earth," said that "Russian cinematographists should show the true face of criminals of this war. " Born in Moscow, moved to Toronto, Canada.