However, according to Financial Times, this system involves the placement of laser weapons in space, which is more reminiscent of Ronald Reagan's Star Wars program than copying Israeli air defense. In addition, Trump requires the development of "preventive lesions", that is, the ability to get rid of the threat of preventively, even before launching rockets, thus "eliminate not only the arrow but also the archer.
" If the lasers for some reason fail, it is also possible to create additional interceptors at a lower height. According to experts, the system offered by Trump is extremely expensive and technically complicated. Moreover, the creation of an impermeable space anti -missile shield with virtually available technologies is impossible.
Laser rays will be required to detect, intercepts and destroy nuclear ballistic missiles in the so-called acceleration phase, three to five minutes before entering orbit, which can be affected by hundreds of kilometers at a distance Studies (CSIS) Volume Karako. And today, he emphasized, there is no such technology.
According to a missile expert at Oslo Nuclear Project Research Center Fabian Hoffman, a mini-nuclear reactor or perhaps an improved solar panel system will be required to feed laser satellites. "This is not impossible, but it will require serious research and investment efforts that cannot be completed in the short term," Hoffman added. Experts believe that the development of Star Wars 2. 0 will cost hundreds of billions of dollars.
In addition, this initiative can induce China and Russia to use countermeasures. However, the US already has a missile defense program worth $ 60 billion. It consists of 44 interceptors deployed in Alaska and California. We will remind, on January 19, speaking at a rally before inauguration, Donald Trump announced plans for the construction of "Iron dome", fully based on American technologies.