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According to Dmitry Pletenchuk's defense representative, the enemy is present in...

"Mix with civilian vessels": the Armed Forces told about a new tactic of Russians in the sea (video)

According to Dmitry Pletenchuk's defense representative, the enemy is present in the Black Sea thanks to submarines. The Warsaw Project 636 released the Caliber rocket in Ukraine the day before and has three more units in service. Russian invaders regularly attack the peaceful cities of Ukraine through various weapons. In particular, shelling occurs from time to time from the seas.

Dmytro Pletenchuk, Head of the Center for Strategic Communications of Southern Ukraine forces of Ukraine, spoke about the threat. According to him, now the enemy holds in the Black Sea the submarine of the Project "Warsaw" 636. After the day before the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation launched one winged rocket "Caliber" in Ukraine, the board of the submarine stores 3 more such missiles. "In fact, the enemy has chosen such tactics in the Black Sea at the expense of submarines.

Whether it is a carrier or not. Now they are present only in this format," Dmitry Pletenchuk said. But as for the Azov Sea, there, there, continues the representative of the forces of the South, the enemy holds the excess ships in the amount of 8 pieces. Among them: their location is very likely to be explained by educational activities. "But an important point is that they are probably feeling there in greater security.

Especially given that they actually mix with civilian vessels and given that there are not many routes in Azov. Civil, " - summed up Dmitry Pletenchuk. We will remind, on June 10 it was reported that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation were struck by Kharkov with bombers. Due to the unfortunate ammunition, people had to start evacuation. In total, as a result of firing of Kabami in the Kyiv and Saltov districts of the city, 7 people were injured. 70 garages and 22 cars were damaged.