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The boundary is up to 40 rockets. Why Russia increases the production of rockets and keeps them in warehouses

The "shadow" exports from the countries of West and Asia supports the rocket potential of the Russian Federation. British journalists estimated that the production of X-101 missiles has increased eight times, with the frequency of launches in Ukraine. The focus found out the causes of such an imbalance.

Russia increases the production of winged missiles of different types due to the "shadow" exports of components, but at the same time the frequency of their use during massive blows in Ukraine falls. The last July 8, 2024 Army Army of the Russian Federation released less than 40 rockets, and on the night of December 29, 2023, the figure was almost three times higher.

The British newspaper Financial Times estimated that Russian plants produce eight times more X-101 missiles than before the full-scale war in Ukraine. If a year before the order of Russian President Vladimir Putin, 56 missiles of the X-101 type were made, then in 2023-already 420, up to 35 pieces per month. The shells contain Western components, which indicates the successful evasion of the Kremlin from sanctions. Missile carriers are TU-95 strategic bombers.

The SBU was investigated and found out that the X-101 rocket struck the building of the Ohmatdit Children's Hospital in Kiev. Western technologies allow Russians to create "smarter" missiles. During terrorist attacks, they overcome the air defense of Ukraine, commented on the head of the sanctions at the KSE Institute in Kiev Olena Belousova.

In response to the demand of the focus, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine did not set statistics on rocket production in Russia due to the lack of fresh data. It is known that by the end of April 2024, the arms of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation were the following shells: judging by these data in Russia, the missiles were not enough for intense shelling at the beginning of the Great War in February-April 2022.

Iran is being prepared to come to the rescue, which has expanded two key ballistics missiles. The country's missile arsenal is considered to be the largest in the Middle East and is estimated at more than 3,000 missiles, Reuters notes. Despite numerous schemes with exporting components to missiles from Western and Asia, Russia still has problems with their presence. Production capacities are often placed in small settlements scattered throughout the country.

It is more realistic to increase production two to three times, but not at eight, according to the West, emphasizes military expert Pavel Narozhny. "Increasing production involves hiring staff, buying equipment. Bring chips is one story, but machines and other mechanisms are quite another," he says. The work of the factories in three shifts indicates a lack of staff in district centers. Qualified specialists are needed to work for defense enterprises, not simple workers.

It is dangerous to combine scattered businesses into one rocket concern, because it will be a great goal for Ukrainian Kamikadze Drones, the Narozhnyi is convinced. Another problem is the condition of carrier aircraft that are only modified rather than produced in Russia. TU-22 or Tu-95 rocket launchers are never done with 100% download due to resource savings. Flights to the point of starting also produce a resource of extremely valuable aircraft engines, notes the analyst.

The media receives quite controversial information about the military capabilities of the countries of the West and Russia, so it is impossible to make a real picture. Russia has concealed all the statistics of the MIC by the end of 2022, and it is extremely difficult to obtain data on its potential.

However, the long-range and ballistic missiles, according to the former testing engineer of the design bureau "Antonov" Konstantin Kryvolap, remain the only military potential that does not fall in Russia, but does not increase qualitatively. The combat use of rockets in Ukraine has decreased, but unfortunately, this does not always prove the fall in the ability of the MIC of the Russian Federation, thinks the air expert in a conversation with focus.

"You can put on pink glasses and think that the enemy is over. Probably they are accumulating missiles. The ex -commander of the occupying troops Sergei Surovkin has knocked out almost all strategic stocks. " Calibras "were simply at zero," he explains. Tu-160 ceased to be used for launches X-101 and X-555 because they "breathe on incense", especially their system of changing wing boom. Tu-95-"Peers of death of Joseph Stalin", cars with a large flight stock began to be operated in April 1956.

The engines in the bombers-rocket carriers, according to Krivolap, are quite good. With the critical degree of their wear, the world would witness frequent air catastrophes, but this does not happen. "All these years, the problem areas of aircraft were intensified. TU-95 bombers can fly for a long time, although their number is constantly decreasing: by 2022 there were about 60 cars. Now in operation and in attackers in Ukraine, a maximum of 20 is involved in Ukraine.

technicians or planes simply do not use, " - summed up the specialist. We will remind, Poland and Ukraine on July 8, 2024 signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of security. Poland Air Force units can help knock down Russian missiles and drones. The focus earlier in detail the consequences of the massive attack of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Ukraine on July 8, which became one of the most bloodiest.