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Russian propagandists assured that they were recorded directly during the battle...

A group of UDA fighters came to Belgorod region: the Russian TV channel showed the places of fighting (photo)

Russian propagandists assured that they were recorded directly during the battles in the Belgorod region of the Russian Federation. In fact, they arrived much later, told a Ukrainian journalist. The military from the "AREU" unit of the Ukrainian Volunteer Army (UDA) held a raid in the Belgorod region of the Russian Federation.

The propagandists of Roszmi visited the fighting places and showed "trophies", which were found by the Russians from the 155 assault brigade of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Military journalist Andriy Tsaplienko in Telegram-channel told about fighting in Belgorod region. Tsaplienko drew attention to the report from Russian propagandists from the TV channel "Zvezda". They posted a video shot at the moment when the raid of the Defense Forces fighters took place.

The chevrons of the UDA unit were included in the frame. The journalist talked with anonymous sources in the army and confirmed that Ukrainian volunteers really participated in the special operation. They said that they had a successful raid and went to Ukraine. Meanwhile, the Russians lied when they stated, as if they were writing a video at the time of the breakthrough, Tsaplienko wrote. "The Russians removed their blockbuster later.

After the volunteers from the Aye battalion, having performed surgery, they came to the Ukrainian territory," the post reads. Video of Rosmia "Zvezda" appeared on the network on August 18, shows a post on the Telegram channel. The first footage shows the locality that appeared on the Russian record of the 155 Marine Corps, which was mocked from the body of the Ukrainian fighter. The following footage demonstrates how Russian propagandists seem to have their way under balls during a real battle.

After that, they show "trophies" that were found after the shooting. We see the chevrons of the AREU unit and chevron with the British flag, there is also a spoon with engraving, which the Russians called "swastika". To hear which marines out of the 155 Brigades of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation boasts how to repel 40 "fighters" that attacked armored vehicles and artillery.

On the Facebook page of the UDA and a separate assault battalion "AREU" 129 of the Armed Forces brigade there is no information about the raid that could take place in the mid -August in the direction of Belgorod region. He was also not written about him in the reports of the Armed Forces General Staff. It should be noted that Focus wrote about the events that happened near Kolotilovka checkpoint in the Belgorod region. On August 16, the Russians published footage with a peak and a dead soldier.

After that, the OSINT investigators of the Deepstate project conducted a video geolocation and found that it was shot at this point on the map. Then they began to find out who committed the abuse. Already on August 23, investigators wrote that the crime is the Russians from the 155 Marine Corps of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The nickname of the commander, who gave the criminal order, became known.