41.69 UAH ▲0.08%
43.8 UAH ▲0.22%
53.12 UAH ▲0.67%
10.27 UAH ▲0.74%
1.74 UAH ▲0.51%
The status is confirmed by social protection authorities by introducing an appro...

Status "Children of War": What benefits can be obtained in December

The status is confirmed by social protection authorities by introducing an appropriate mark to the pension certificate. In Ukraine, the status of "child of war" is assigned to people who were minors at the end of World War II. This status differs from the category of children affected by hostilities and armed conflicts. This is stated in the Law of Ukraine "On Social Protection of Children of War". Persons who are not 18 at the end of World War II may obtain the status of a "child of war".

They are entitled to the following benefits: the status is confirmed by the social protection authorities, which make the required mark in the pension certificate. Due to the similarity of terms, sometimes it is mistaken that "children of war" also include children affected by hostilities and armed conflicts. However, these statuses are different. The status of "children of war" can only be obtained by those children who were in the war zone, injured, injuries, injuries, were stolen or captured.

This status is also assigned to children who have been victims of physical, psychological or sexual abuse, as well as children whose parents, as servicemen, were killed in their duties. Social support for children affected by hostilities and conflicts mostly covers free food in kindergartens, schools and vocational education institutions. Since March, the procedure for paying assistance for this category of Ukrainians has changed.