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Hungary accused Poland of hypocrisy and that it continues to buy Russian oil. In...

"You can always leave the EU": Poland reacted to Orban's statements about Putin and Ukraine

Hungary accused Poland of hypocrisy and that it continues to buy Russian oil. In response, Polish diplomats recalled that the EU door was open and Hungary can freely create an alliance with the Russian Federation and Vladimir Putin. The Deputy Foreign Ministry of Poland Theophil Bartoshevsky stated that Hungary always has the opportunity to withdraw from the European Union, if it does not like a policy on Ukraine.

Such actions would be a better option than blaming Poland of "hypocrisy" and complaining that Russia's influence in Europe weakened. Following the statement of the Polish diplomat, another charges from the Hungarian Foreign Ministry appeared. The details of the Polish Foreign Ministry's position are referred to in an interview that Bartoshevsky gave the Onet portal. The Polish diplomat reacted to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, which took place on July 27 in Romania.

Orban stated that the Center for Power has moved to Asia, the EU has already lost with the support of Ukraine and that the West is collapsing. In addition, he spoke of the "hypocritical Poland", which, despite the sanctions, conducts business with the Russian Federation through intermediaries. "The Poles are pursuing hypocritical policy. We are criticized for relations with Russia, doing business with Russia through intermediaries.

I have never seen such hypocrisy by the state," the RMF24 portal stated his position. Bartoshevsky responded to Orban's words on Sunday, July 28. He first insisted that Poland is not business, unlike Hungary. According to him, because of such behavior, this country was on the sidelines of NATO and the EU. In addition, if Hungarian politicians do not like the actions of Europeans, they can always take the opportunity to get out of the EU, the diplomat said.

"I do not really understand why Hungary wants to remain a member of organizations that they do not like it and which are obviously bad. Why [orban - ed. ] Does not create an alliance with Putin and some authoritarian states of this type? If you do not want to be a member of the club, you can always come out, " - said Bartoshevsky. After the publication of the position of Poland, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary Peter Siarto appeared.

The diplomat wrote on the Facebook page that Poland, like Hungary, buys Russian oil. "If we look at the list of buyers of one of the largest Russian oil companies, we will definitely find Poles there as well," he said. It should be noted that Focus wrote about Orban's statements, which were heard on Saturday on July 27.

In the part of the speech that referred to Ukraine, the Hungarian politician said that Russia could not be defeated, so it is necessary to agree on its conditions of end of the war. In addition, he mentioned that the US may soon stop helping Ukrainians, and then the EU will not cope with this task. Similar statements were heard after Orban made a tour in Kiev, Moscow, Beijing, Brussels, the media told.