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The device changes the frequency of reflected signals, resulting in the radar of...

A plasma invisible device will allow aircraft and rockets to disappear from enemy radars

The device changes the frequency of reflected signals, resulting in the radar of the enemy reveals incorrect data on the position and speed of the aircraft and receives erroneous signals. It can also serve as a "shield" that protects the plane from a powerful microwave.

Researchers from the Center of Plasma Technology of the Sian Institute of Aerospace Engines in China have developed a new type of plasma stealth device capable of causing almost any military aircraft to disappear from the Radar screen. Details transmits SCMP. The Chinese device uses an electronic ray discharge to generate large limited plasma areas.

Compared to other known technologies, such as closed radio frequency plasma discharge devices, this approach separates the plasma from the generator, providing greater flexibility of the cavity structure for compliance with different aircraft structures.

The researchers' team said that plasma, generated by electronic rays, provides excellent setting of physical properties, higher energy efficiency, reducing the energy consumption of the aircraft and less weight, which makes it ideal for practical use. It is known that the plasma stealth device with a closed electronic beam of a new type focuses on the protection of key areas (pilot, radar), not the entire aircraft, and it can be activated at any time to deceive the operators of hostile radars.

According to the newspaper, the gadget has a simple structure, a wide range of power control and high plasma density. Using a jet plasma generator made of alkali metal to form a plasma cloud, the researchers were able to hide intercontinental missiles and military satellites from radars.

Plasma, consisting of electrically charged particles, interacts with electromagnetic waves uniquely: when electromagnetic waves, for example, radar emitted, interact with plasma, they force the particles to move quickly and face, scattering the energy of waves and reducing the power of the reflected signal.

This interaction converts the energy of electromagnetic waves into mechanical and thermal energy of charged particles, reducing the wave power and subsequently weakening the reflected radar signal. As a result, even a regular fighter can significantly reduce its radar visibility with a new plasma device.

Plasma is also capable of changing the frequency of reflected signals, which causes the radar of the enemy to find false data on the position and speed of the aircraft and receives false signals, and can also serve as an invisible "shield" that covers aircraft of powerful microwave weapons. Scientists have stated that two types of plasma stealth devices have already been tested.

One device covers areas of the aircraft, prone to radar, radioactive isotope, which produces high -energy rays that ionize the surrounding air. This creates a layer of plasma, thick enough and dense to cover the surface and scatter radar signals. Another device uses high -frequency high voltage electricity to activate and ionization of the gas environment outside the aircraft, creating a plasma area. However, this plasma secrecy technology is not devoid of some disadvantages.

When exposed to the open plasma environment, it is difficult to form accurately, and maintaining constant high density is also a problem. Plasma breaks can allow electromagnetic waves to reflect back, opening the position of the aircraft. According to the developers, many researchers in China are trying to develop this technology.

This will limit the plasma inside the tight cavity, which will facilitate the creation of high density plasma and change its characteristic parameters for the absorption of large -scale electromagnetic waves to ensure additional protection of important zones, which are targeted by the radar of the enemy and the pilot dome. Testing devices passed on the ground and proved their performance. However, the device has many technical problems, despite its simplicity.

For example, you need to understand exactly how to integrate the novelty into the design of a plane. Also, scientists are not yet able to accurately measure the plasma parameters inside the cavity of the device, which is also a problem, but they hope that their development will be adopted by NVAK in the near future. Earlier, we wrote that in China they hide combat equipment from radars with the help of an invisible metamas.