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It is about creating a cheap sample of the Earth-Earth class worth £ 400,000. It...

British "Pallyan": The United Kingdom works on a winged Brakestop rocket

It is about creating a cheap sample of the Earth-Earth class worth £ 400,000. It is planned that the rocket will have a range of up to 500 km, and will have the ability to act in the difficult conditions of HR. The UK Ministry of Defense has released a tender for the creation of a new shock system - a heavy trucker missile of unilateral action (OWE), which can be launched from the mobile platform and affecting targets at a distance of more than 500 km.

A project called Brakestop will be a response to modern calls in a high risk on the battlefield, UK Defense Journal reports. It is about creating a cheap landscaping class "Earth-Earth", accessible to mass production, which in some aspects, according to analysts of Defense Express, resembles a similar Ukrainian development "Palyanitsa". According to preliminary data, one rocket will cost £ 400,000.

"We strive to create a system capable of acting in the most complex combat conditions where traditional navigation and controlled systems can be failed. The Brakestop project is designed to provide high accuracy strikes, even in intensive radio electronic counteraction," the British Ministry of Defense explained. The range of the system should exceed 500 km, which will allow the targets at long distances without entering the enemy's air defense area.

In this case, the speed of flight is estimated at about 600 km/h - this will make the system fast and effective for the tasks of prompt response. In addition, the development will be given attention to low multi -spectral signature in order to complicate its detection with hostile means. The system is designed for a load load of 200 to 300 kg, which is equivalent to the MK 82 bomb, one of the most common in the arsenal of modern aviation.

Brakestop should be resistant to radio electronic wrestling, depleting and functioning in the absence of GPS. It will be able to strike both the ballistic and low -level trajectory, depending on the type of tasks. As for production requirements, the British department plans to produce 20 units of this type of weapons per month. The Brakestop series should go until September 2025. In this way, the British intend to produce 240 missiles of this type per year.