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During the full -scale war, those who have passed it to mobilize should appear a...

Mobilization in Ukraine: Limited suitable can call the Armed Forces - a lawyer

During the full -scale war, those who have passed it to mobilize should appear at the medical commission. Even with the 3rd group of disability, the deferral from the call can be obtained after the conclusions of military doctors. Ukrainian troops have the right to demand from "restricted" conscripts to undergo a second medical commission. Lawyer Andriy Karpenko said this in a comment to the RBC Ukraine agency. According to him, he is limited to service in the Armed Forces during a full -scale war.

Karpenko recalled that in Ukraine the state of health of the servicemen, reservists and conscripts is estimated by order No. 402 of the Ministry of Defense on a military-doctor examination in the Armed Forces. The order applies to the durables during spring and autumn conscription, as well as to conscripts and reservists for general or partial mobilization in the country.

The Ministry of Defense has established three categories of unfit for military service: "The conclusion of the Military Medical Commission (VLK) is valid for 12 months. During the martial law, the re-medical commission passes even those who have passed it planned, shortly before mobilization. Which was previously found, for example, may have reasons for deferral or vice versa, "the expert explained.

According to Karpenko, the military enlistment office should appoint a new VLK for the conscript if the year has passed since the last passage. And if a person did not agree with the decision of the VLK, it can be challenged. In a comment on B2BCONSULT, lawyer Bogdan Perebada explained that it is only possible to get a delay from a recruitment with a 3 group of disability only after the conclusions of the VLK. Otherwise, the CCC will not see the reason for removing from service.

The transplant added that a person with this disability group is not mobilized under Art. 23 of the Law of Ukraine "On Mobilization Training and Mobilization". Such Ukrainians can only be mobilized with voluntary consent. A military enlistment office should be notified of the reason for deferral from mobilization, as they do not make a deferral from the service without the VLK. The lawyer noted that the commission should be held every 5 years.

"Formally, the shopping center does not want to design a deferral without passing the VLK, this is their position. The absence of a delayed delay does not mean that you can mobilize you," he said. We will remind that on June 18 it became known about the shooting of military committee in the city of Rena of Odessa region. Shoot on the local market while attempting to detain a man they wanted to deliver to the shopping center.