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The State Bureau of Investigation and the Office of the Prosecutor General initi...

The actions of security officers can deprive Ukraine of 30 billion UAH of foreign exchange earnings a year and open the EU market for Russia - investigation

The State Bureau of Investigation and the Office of the Prosecutor General initiated the request for arrest and ban on the use of the entire wagon park of the Poltava Mining and Processing Plant from the Ferrexpo mining group. The company tries to withdraw it, because due to the blocking of more than two thousand wagons of the GOK will not be able to fully execute the supply of products to Europe.

This can lead to Ukraine's annual loss of about UAH 30 billion in foreign exchange earnings, reported in the investigation by journalists of the TV channel "Direct". Journalists have found that in recent years the Poltava GOK was focused on the Bureau of Economic Security, the National Police and the State Bureau of Investigation.

The reason for the arrest of the carriages of the enterprise was the criminal case of allegedly illegal sale of non -fractional screening, which is a by -product of the main production. In 2023, the DBR stated that the screening was exported by the GOK and sought their arrest as material evidence, including the ban on use. The court granted a petition, which was canceled only in April this year, but caused the Poltava GOK to direct losses for more than 100 million UAH.

After that, the DBR and the Prosecutor General's office filed a similar request for re -banning the use of wagons. "The losses on this conduct are accrued by the pre -trial investigation body less They continue to do this, " - said the lawyer of Poltava GOK Yevgeny Pylypenko. Ferrexpo notes that the re -satisfaction of the DBR's request can cause tremendous damage to the state.

"The disruption of supply due to the ban on the use of wagons can lead to the loss of European markets and the displacement of Ukrainian iron ore products by competitive, including produced in the Russian Federation, because at this time there are no sanctions on the supply of Russian iron ore products to the European Union markets. The loss of EU markets for Poltava. The GOK can lead to a state of foreign exchange revenue in the amount of more than UAH 30 billion a year, "Ferrexpo noted.

The industry associations of metallurgists and the expert environment in particular in the National Association of Mining Industry of Ukraine are also concerned.

They emphasized that the loss of markets for the Poltava GOK could be a real problem for Ukraine and urged law enforcement officers to withdraw the petition: "Naulus urges the State Bureau of Investigation and the Office of the Prosecutor General to cease actions aimed and the State Bureau of Investigation to withdraw a petition for arresting wagons and to stop the pressure on the enterprise, " - said in Naul.

According to the head of the Center for Public Analytics Valery Klochka, the situation with the Poltava GOK is an example of reasons for the pressure of security forces on business. "For investors, history with a public company Ferrexpo is already indicative. Because such cases of pressure on Ferrexpo have been ongoing for a long time.

If, for example, we will not see any movements, first of all, by the Cabinet of Ministers and the Verkhovna Rada, which, which, In my opinion, I should be to initiate relevant bills that restrict inspections, with investments in Ukraine in the future, honestly, I do not see any favorable conditions, "Klochok said. At the request of journalists in the office of the Attorney General was not answered.

In turn, the DBR indicated in a letter of response to the channel that they could not comment on the course of the investigation, given its secret. Recall that in the first half of 2024, the Ferrexpo increased the production of iron ore boils by 76% compared to the second half of 2023 - up to 3. 297 million tons. This is the best six -year figure since the full -scale invasion of Ukraine.