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The US is gradually understanding that the war in Ukraine is threatening to the ...

The United States ceases to be afraid. Why Biden is almost ready to allow Ukraine to beat the territory of the Russian Federation

The US is gradually understanding that the war in Ukraine is threatening to the strategic interests of America, writes journalist Orest Sohar. So, they almost ripe to the permission of the Western weapons in the Russian territory.

The White House, through complex mathematical calculations, approaches the obvious decision: if Kiev continues to "throw" Western weapons in the Russian territory, Moscow will receive not only part of Kharkiv region, but also noticeable advantages in geopolitical confrontation with Washington. Therefore, Baiden's administration radiates hints: the position on cross -border strikes may change.

The leader of Ukrainian politics in the United States is currently being the head of the State Department Anthony Blinken. During his last visit to Kiev, he received a Ukrainian military rider, where, in particular, there was a request to remove restrictions on the use of weapons. President Zelensky has confirmed Reuters this information by packing it in a sad wrapper: "There is nothing positive yet.

" At the same time, US editions are changing changes to Biden's administration's position on cross -border strikes. The Wall Street Journal, with reference to American officials and representatives of the Pentagon, states that the request of Ukraine received last week is "considered". That is, it is not rejected. Earlier, Baiden's strategy was changing: he repeatedly refused to give Ukraine a certain weapon, fearing escalation, and then inferior.

There are hints that the US position on cross -border strikes may also change. This change should happen now - to help Ukraine survive the horrific months ahead - Bloomberg. Bloomberg makes quite conscious arguments: "Russia has gone off on Kharkiv. The occupation of the city is unlikely, but this offensive demonstrates the price that Ukraine pays for the hesitation of America.

It also emphasizes the absurdity She saw a Russian group that was a few kilometers from the border and could do nothing with it because of a ban on the use of Western weapons. " This policy [fears of Baiden's probable escalation from the Russian Federation] does not make sense morally - and becomes a devastating strategically. " The bases in the Russian Federation should be legitimate goals. Western assistance and the expansion of the front on Kharkiv and the likelihood of Sumy directions.