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Ukraine is strong with its democracy, its inner freedom, writes publicist Ivan V...

12 thousand dollars - for a contract with the army: how to make the call attractive and Ukraine is strong

Ukraine is strong with its democracy, its inner freedom, writes publicist Ivan Verstyuk. But Ukrainians need to learn how to strengthen the country - for example, to make their army stronger and the economy is successful. In fact, the war is now becoming a great challenge for our democracy - just as we have mastered it for 32 years of independence.

We know for sure that we have the right to our own opinion, and we do not forget about the accountability of power - and therefore we cultivate, within the limits of wartime, criticism that we do not like. There is always a reason.

All autumn, government officials reported successful and effective preparation for the winter, and since the end of November, laps with electricity began - had to invite a line of additional financial assistance from Germany to, as if to say that, prepare the power system for the cold again. Export logistics fails.

The blockade of the Polish border, as we can see, cost us billions of hryvnias, and when Europeans told us to develop exports along the Danube River - the government simply clicking our eyes, because it looked like a very radical solution: we need to take ships somewhere, to work out, to work out, to work somewhere .

Russian assets for huge amounts are frozen here and there, but there is still no person in the government who would be responsible for this direction - these reparations are somewhere in the overall workflow, and the matter is reached by residual principle. Despite the fact that there is a large piece of legal work that should start yesterday. We have learned how to use democracy in peacetime or relatively peacetime, but now we learn again-now because it is democracy of war.

The election is not about the election - and therefore the usual measure in the form of ratings of sociological popularity is now nothing to us. It is important not to achieve a certain electoral result, but to ensure that the state machine is working harmoniously - with those people who are now working there. Elections are just a part of democracy, there are also institutions and authorities that you need to be able to use.

The authorities have enough power to build a country's work system during the war. But someone wants to live by the pre -war standards, someone is not used to changes in activity, someone gives you the desired one. Objectively, it is necessary to increase the salary for servicemen, offering convincing contracts - otherwise we will have a situation where thousands of men will simply hide from life without going outside and not answering phone calls, bearing forced mobilization.

And from the fresh one: Energoatom will spend UAH 2. 2 million on the search for candidates for the supervisory board. But, what is it called? Maybe it would be better to spend this money on finding candidates for the Armed Forces? And who should make the relevant comment to Energoatom? And why didn't this remark this remark? And here is an example. For a long time, I was fortunate enough to study at an American school - and one day a recruiter from the American army appeared in our school.

He gave all of us from the graduation class ball pens, on which it was written: "Sign a contract with the army - get $ 12,000 in your hands at once. " This is an approach. I understand that we do not have as much money as in America - but why not to explain to the intensively Western partners, that not only weapons are needed, but salaries of military personnel, seductive contracts. We now live in a state of temporality, uncertainty. It is very painful in the economy.

No matter how much "civilians" who sit in cities and just go to work, but at their demand, up to 80% of the economy were in demand. Now as if and how to spend money is no longer fashionable, and on the other hand - because of this the economy cannot work normally. Of course, if this conditional ITIKHEY stopped working on business software and went to work in Ukroboronprom - it would somehow balance. But not every one of the Itichniki is capable of this - for various reasons.

In the end, he/she loses the job he has - and falls out of the consumption market, instead spending time on fears about his future. It is also the problem that the Ukrainian economy was before the war of consumption economy, not the investment economy. It is clear that it is not entirely correct, but it is. Our democratic system has never learned to understand its own economy - what it is capable of and what it needs.

Actually, this is not OK, but now it is different - whether our democracy is capable of organizing the army at the current stage of the war when it comes to endurance. Purely psychologically, I do not know if those of us who at least once did not say goodbye to life, imagining my death, remained. In this sense, we are not from a frightened ten. But you do not have to confuse such thoughts with your readiness and ability to win the battlefield.

The army should not be died (but eternal glory to heroes and heroines, of course), but be effective. The armies need a reliable rear - soldiers on the front line want to feel that they are worried about them and their families. As they return to their hometown and villages, they see some normal life there, not solid poverty, because the economy has fallen - and everyone will envy the former prosecutor's employee under retirement, because his pension is great.

If before the war, our democracy could afford to be stupid around long -term expectations - for foreign investments, for growth of the economy, for something else - now it takes another. Democracy should become - not even to become, but to be a pragmatic system of achieving results. We open news every morning, cheering for Avdiivka and Krynka, Bakhmut and Marinka, for all other directions.

Our democracy leaves us the right to our own opinion that and why on the fronts it may not go as we would like. And this is the power of Ukrainian democracy. But she also needs to learn how to accumulate resources so that we are not now accustomed to living with the thought "what to do if the war is 5 years old", and they were designed to win. Democracy is about freedom, and there are no freedom of hopeless situations. There is always a solution - and we need them.