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Law enforcement officers conducted investigative measures in five areas. In Dnip...

In the Dnieper beat the Exbel Kraken: Police have installed involved in the attack (photo)

Law enforcement officers conducted investigative measures in five areas. In Dnipropetrovsk, one of the attackers was detained on former Dmitry Pavlov. On June 20, Dmitry Pavlov was beaten in the Dnieper in the Dnieper. Law enforcement officers managed to identify the persons involved in the conflict. This was reported in the press service of the National Police.

The police noted that one of the active participants was detained in Dnipropetrovsk, while investigators and investigators were held in the territory of five regions. On June 20, a man in Balaklava and camouflage was beaten by an exvenue in the Dnipro on Dmitry Yavornytsky Avenue in Balaklava and camouflage without distinguishing marks and put on him. Law enforcement officers started two criminal proceedings on the conflict - for illegal imprisonment and torture.

In addition, the kisses questioned the injured man and witnesses. During the pre -trial investigation, it was found that several people were involved in the crime, their persons established, one of them was detained. During the searches at the places of residence of the persons involved, material evidence, including weapons and clothing, was removed. In addition, the crime is also involved in the People's Deputy Mykola Tishchenko.

He noted that he came to the Dnieper in order to fight illegal offices and boots. He accused the former military of involvement in criminal groups. On June 25, the DBR conducted searches at Tyshchenko, during which he was informed of suspicion. He responded emotionally to searches and broke his phone. We will remind, on June 25 the People's Deputy Mykola Tyshchenko declared that he was ready to lay out a mandate, if there is no botherry in Ukraine, and "if no tree falls without permission.