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Ukraine is increasingly improving the development and production of its own dron...

"Kursk and Tula feel the war: why Ukrainian UAVs are terrifying to Russia (video)

Ukraine is increasingly improving the development and production of its own drones, which are already hitting even on objects in the deep rear of the Russian Federation. Russian invaders, their collaborators and ordinary Russians are increasingly scared of the constant development of unmanned aerial vehicles, which Ukraine creates and improves. This opinion was expressed by military expert and aeronautical intelligence officer Andriy Kovalenko on the Apostrophe TV.

According to him, most occupiers are now concerned that the war is becoming more felt in Russia. And it is not only about the frontal territories, but also the deep rear of the aggressor country. "The war is already felt by Kursk, Moscow, Tula, and many other Russian cities," Andrei Kovalenko said. The army of Ukrainian drones also inspires fear in collaborators.

Yes, the air intelligence officer noted that the collaborator Vladimir Saldo is very afraid of mass and most importantly accurate blows of our drones-Kamikadze. In addition, Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles cause damage to the Armed Forces in the war zone almost daily. "In the Bakhmut direction and near Avdiivka, the enemy often loses equipment. A week ago, the T-90 tanks were knocked out with drones, another armored vehicle worth more than $ 7 million," the expert said.

Airborne intelligence in conversation with journalists noted that now the priority is to destroy the Russian military-industrial complex. It is about those enterprises that produce components for rockets and drones. And for this it is necessary to develop more actively the production of drones in Ukraine. In particular, it makes sense to build underground plants that will be unattainable to the enemy missile attacks. In the near future, Ukraine is waiting for the production of UAV.

Already, our country can boast not only domestic motors for drones, but also the development of whole FPV-oules. "The key now is to increase their quantity to close the need for production of own engines by the end of the year. Payments and microelectronics - here we are dependent on imports, but logistics is well -established and will also increase," - summarized the expert.

We will remind, in early August, NSDC Secretary Alexei Danilov stated that the war would make Ukraine one of the best producers of drones in the world. According to him, the main advantage of Ukrainian drones is that the military holds a close connection with the developers and signal them about every problem that they face during the operation of equipment. And in early July it became known that Ukrainians launch the production of new FPV drones for the Armed Forces.