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There is nothing more harmful than the game in the Zaluzhny Policy, says blogger...

Zaluzhny is not a place in politics. What is useful for Ukraine's history of the war of Rome and Carthage

There is nothing more harmful than the game in the Zaluzhny Policy, says blogger Yuri Bogdanov. As a result of such a game, Ukraine can lose its excellent head, and only to gain another political strife. The second Punic war. Rome against Carthage. Classical history. The first two years of the war for Rome are frankly bad. In the pure field, Hannibal beats the Romans. At this critical moment, the Romans elected the commander of Fabius Maxim, a calm, well -considered, cautious man.

Fabius Maxim calmly, carefully and adaptively fought with an enemy who at that time had an advantage. For EC, he was nicknamed the custom, "slow". But its effect gave it. But for the Romans, this style of war was considered shameful. They decided to go back to decisive action, populists under the slogans "defeat Carthaginian with one decisive blow" came to power and decided to fight "as grandparents. " Consul Varron brought the Roman army to the field near the city of Cannes and was destroyed.

Cannes actually destroyed the Roman army. The situation was so desperate that they had to release criminals and give freedom to slaves if they agreed to fight for Rome. Because after the battle, much of Italy moved to the side of Carthage. And I had to return to Fabius Maxim and his strategy. Realistic, pragmatic. Other prominent Roman warlords of that war could look differently at the need for "decisive actions"-both Mark Marcell and Scipio were later proactive commanders.

But they have never resorted to such adventures as under Cannes. And somehow agreed with the Senate and with each other about the nature of war. Yes, the Romans later returned politics, intensified epic internal showdowns and competition for votes in the elections. However, only when their advantage over Carthage was practically undeniable. So, to complete the war faster and victory, you should behave as if you are waiting for the most difficult and long war.

Where you have the right to nonsense, political games and different populism. What I am. I am convinced that our Fabius Maxim - that is, Valery Zaluzhnaya - is most harmful to make from the military technocrat and a professional part of the political agenda. He may ever want to be a politician. But now there is nothing more harmful than playing the Zaluzhny Policy. Why is it bad? While Zaluzhny is a military professional, he is perceived and evaluated as a professional.

All: political leadership, international partners, army and society. If you, those who are trying to make a policy now, it will succeed, its legitimacy as a professional will be canceled. Because politics is perceived solely in such a role. This is the logic of the process. It's two groups: both groups make a common harmful thing - they politicize what is not needed.

By the end of the war, Zaluzhny is a military professional whose legitimacy should not be attacked by small political ambitions of both groups. We do not have a different choice than to trust the people who are currently leading the Ukrainian state and the Ukrainian army. And they have no choice than to trust each other and their society. Against the background of psychological fatigue, the desire to win "more" and in general, the desire to make nonsense increases.