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According to the US edition, one of the first sabotage to which the Russian Fede...

Secret sabotage campaign in the EU: The Russian Federation is looking for a new way to disrupt Ukraine's military support - NYT

According to the US edition, one of the first sabotage to which the Russian Federation was involved was a fire in London in March. According to the local authorities, the supply of weapons for the Armed Forces was planned from this staff. The US intelligence and its allies have begun to state the fact of an increase in low -level sabotage operations in Europe, which, as they claim, is part of the Russian campaign to undermine Ukraine's military support. About it writes The New York Times.

It is noted that the purpose of these secret operations was, for the most part, the efforts of arson aimed at a wide range of objects, including the composition in England, a paint plant in Poland, houses in Latvia and most surprising, IKEA shop in Lithuania. At the same time, arrests of people were accused of preparing attacks on US military. As of now, such attacks have not led to a break of weapons to Ukraine, and indeed many goals are not directly related to the war.

American journalists suggest that such actions of Russia are aimed at spreading fear in the EU, as well as to ensure that European countries strengthen the protection of the entire weapon supply chain to Ukraine, which will lead to additional costs and slow down the rate of supply. NATO and Europe leaders have already been warned about the likelihood of a threat. In particular, the head of the Estonian Government of Kai Callas said about the holding of "shadow war" against Europe last week.

In turn, Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk reported the arrest of 12 people accused of "beating, arson and attempting to go on fire" for Russian intelligence. Meanwhile, the Prime Minister of Norway Jonas Gar Store spoke about Russia as a "real and serious threat" after prevention of his country's special services about possible attacks on energy producers and weapons.