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A Spanish businessman, who owns a mummy of a strange creature, believes that he ...

Man or alien: History of Humanoid attacks has received a new sequel (photo)

A Spanish businessman, who owns a mummy of a strange creature, believes that he knows who was 15-meter humanoid. A businessman from Spain, who has acquired a mummified creature skeleton, called Humanoid attacks, made a new assumption on one of the local TV channels on who this humanoid really is, Daily Mail writes. In focus. Technology has appeared its Telegram channel.

Subscribe not to miss the latest and most intrusive news from the world of science! Numerous hypotheses about who are attacked humanoid humanoid, a 15-centimeter mummified skeleton of which was found in the Atacama (Chile) desert, appeared since its detection in 2003. This creature similar to a person with an oblong skull some UFO hunters were taken as an alien.

But 5 years ago, an international group of scientists conducted a genetic analysis and rejected the version that the creature was alien in origin. The analysis showed that the skeleton belongs to a girl who is a premature human child about 15 weeks. The approximate age of the mummy was estimated at 500 years. Scientists have suggested that the fetus had some mutations that could influence the structure of the skeleton, although there was no accurate evidence of this.

On the other hand, the unusual size and shape of the skull are associated with the usual development of the fetus in the early stages of pregnancy. Even after 5 years, scientists continue to insist that it is a human child who could acquire an unusual structure of the skull during premature birth. It could also be influenced by environmental conditions in which the corpse was located after death.

Thus, humanoid with attacks of their attacks, according to a group of scientists, has nothing to do with aliens. It is just a well -preserved fruit of the human baby. The Spanish businessman and researcher Ramon Nica-Osoryoreo Vilir, who owns this mummia, agrees that humanoid with attacks is not an alien. According to him, he is not an ordinary person, as shown by research conducted by another group of experts.

On the air of the Spanish TV channel Ramon Nica-Osoroio Vilir said that perhaps this creature belonged to the extinct race of tiny cave people. The Humanoid owner of the attacks stated that these people lived in the caves and came out of them only at night, as indicated by the size of the mummy's eyes.

Ramon Naza-Osiory Vilir said that according to his acquaintance, a representative of the Aimar people living in South America, such tiny creatures lived in the Andes before the arrival of Spanish colonialists in the early 16th century. That is, the legends about these creatures are known by Aimar, because they lived with them hundreds of years ago.

The mummy owner considers preliminary studies of humanoid incorrect, and points to the particularly elongated legs and hands of the creature, as well as the very different structure of the skeleton from the structure of the skeleton of man. One of the main arguments in favor of his theory, which refutes the fact that it was a human premature baby, according to a Spanish businessman is that corn was found on the feet of a creature.