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In the future, artificial intelligence will be able to find widespread use in th...

Artificial intelligence will make peace. How advanced technology will stop war

In the future, artificial intelligence will be able to find widespread use in the field of international relations, predicts in the column for The Hill Ola Mohadier, a specialist in Shi. And then the negotiations will become faster and more effective, and conflicts - the more rare and quieter the world experiences the most significant outbreak of cruel conflicts since the Second World War.

According to a briefing of the United Nations, today a quarter of the planet's population is affected by conflicts that are more complex than ever. This new era of high levels of conflict requires a fair viewing of how we act. It is crucial that peace and defense practitioners recognize that traditional approaches are failed in a quarter of humanity. Revolutionary changes are urgently needed, and our cursory star should be a world based on artificial intelligence (AI).

The artificial intelligence world can revolutionize international peace and security. This will allow practitioners and politicians to reduce the time and resources for data collection, analysis and production of options, as well as release these resources to focus on such complex things as dialogue, negotiations, confidence strengthening and making strategic decisions. Researchers have developed artificial intelligence that can detect cancer before doctors can now do.

This achievement increases the likelihood of treatment at an early stage and will eventually reduce cancer mortality. Similarly, when it comes to a large area of ​​problems and unknown people faced by national governments and multilateral organizations, AI not only arranges information cacophony in seconds, but also illuminate the symphony of ideas and strategies that still need to be discovered.

If the right decisions on the AI ​​are now made, we will be able to be on the threshold of peace around the world nowadays. The artificial intelligence world has great prospects and has already demonstrated considerable efficiency in various applications. But this technology remains insufficiently developed and not well used.

In Libya, for example, large -scale digital dialogues with the help of AI have advanced a peaceful process, facilitating a conversation between 1000 Libyans in the key stages of its implementation. This helped to reach a consensus that helped to create a temporary government in just four months. On the contrary, traditional dialogues often take years, especially in the most violent countries with inaccessible populations.

Today, Libya has risen to 137 out of 163 countries in the Global Peace Index rating, which means a significant improvement compared to the 156th position in 2020. Despite the difficult circumstances, Libya also achieved the greatest overall improvement of peacefulness worldwide for the second year in a row. AI has the opportunity to develop conflict analysis, mediation and maintain negotiations, as well as maintain peace, cease ceasefire, and more.

Natural language processing can be used in peaceful processes to help thousands of citizens to answer their local dialects to open issues related to their security, management, constitution, transition justice mechanisms and more. The integration of this technology would make a revolution in how citizens are involved in the construction of their countries. Peaceful processes could be faster, more inclusive, more sensitive, less cruel and overcome the barriers of interlingual communication.

Further research and development in the field of machine learning and processing of natural language are necessary for working with low -common languages ​​and solving the problem of low literacy, limited technology and access to the Internet, as well as general accessibility. Set analysis is another AI application that can be invaluable for the promotion of the world.

This aspect of natural language processing has already been used in the private sector, where companies use it to recognize the emotional tone that surrounds the subject - positive, negative or neutral. Such use of machine training AI can shed light on the most ambitious and elusive whole countries faster than ever, while saving life.

For example, although the desired forms of management often occur at the macro level during peace talks, specifying accurate details to achieve final settlement and its subsequent implementation can be a long and expensive process. Meanwhile, violence can prevail as the only means of determining someone who possesses power and power.

Machine training, which is used throughout the peace process, can accelerate consensus on many management mechanisms for several weeks, which will eventually save life and prevent further deterioration of health, access to food and economy. Big languages ​​(LLM), which have become known thanks to Chat GPT Open Ai, also have wide use in peace and safety.

Think about conflict and strategic analysis - the most important and fundamental tool in this field, which is based on all solutions and recommendations. In order for this product to be strong, it must have a wide range of sources and data and accurately reflect the actual interests of citizens and stakeholders. Sometimes the decision -making persons are forced to respond quickly to emergencies, despite the stored gaps.

Instead of relying on long traditional analytical methods and recognizing their disadvantages, LLM can synthesize available text - research, reports, social networks and new requests - and perform such an analysis in minutes. AI can also use machine vision and image recognition to convert monitoring and reporting in the field of peacekeeping and ceasefire.

These technologies have already been mastered in defense and private sectors, for example, through recognition of images, autonomous drones and unmanned vehicles. UN peacekeeping missions and ceasefire monitoring mechanisms could track and report incidents without jeopardizing human lives. Moreover, autonomous observers and reporting can mitigate the funding deficit that these institutions are constantly faced.