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The world is at the threshold of a grand revolution in military affairs, says an...

A weapon that stops the war: how artificial intelligence will revolutionize on the battlefield

The world is at the threshold of a grand revolution in military affairs, says analyst Alexander Kochetkov. Artificial intelligence, combined with swarms, will become virtually invulnerable and will prevent any aggression of the weapon that will stop the war? After graduating from the Russian-Ukrainian irreconcilable confrontation, all subsequent wars will be different.

He wrote at the beginning of the war and even a series with colleagues made that the development of drone swarms, which are guided by artificial intelligence, is able to ensure victory in the war. And even eliminate the existence of nuclear weapons. And now we see how the picture of battle is changing rapidly. In those areas of the front where there is a sufficient number of air drones of all specializations - intelligence, bombers, Kamikadze - the enemy's effective activity becomes impossible.

Armored vehicles are destroyed by artillery by coordinates that give reconnaissance drones, the remains of Kamikadze are achieved. They, together with bombers, destroy the living force as soon as it gets out of shelters. In fact, the issue is only in the number of drones and, accordingly, the number of operators to manage them. But this is all relevant to the use of artificial intelligence and the inevitable miniaturization of drones of all types.

What, in fact, is referred to by AI and why will its use lead to revolutionary consequences? Today is a classic approach: one drone is one operator. Of course, there are options when one operator is able to send several drones to the hostile position, which will follow the leading drone on the autopilot, but the combat mission is still performed by a person. It is she who determines the priority of the goals and how to affect them - from above, back, side or front.

There are also completely automatic drones-Kamikadze: "released and forgot", but in the real war, their performance was obviously insufficient. That is, the number of prepared operators is a more complex limiting factor than even the presence of drones themselves. Also, drone management from the operator during combat use and makes the work of the HRS relatively effective.

Because these systems are mostly destroyed by the "Dron operator", which is transformed by a combat drone into a blind Carlson (not the blind that the journalist, but the propeller). With the distribution of AI, the picture changes fundamentally. He is able to control several dozen drones of different types, which will be delivered to the enemy's position by coordinates, without human participation.

Further, the si will control this swarm of drones, and at the expense of short distances, the swarm communication system can be made very reliable - the EC rests. By the way, with the development of satellite Internet, the problem of protected communication will disappear at all. AI is, in fact, a computer program, and it can be configured in a distributed manner between all swarms. Therefore, it will be impossible to destroy any main drone - and the whole swarm will turn off.

No, with a decrease during the battle, the number of drones will slow down somewhat, but will still perform the task - this is the principle of holography. Drones are already diminished in size with increasing efficiency - time of stay in the air, combat load, speed, security against the HR.

And soon there will be massive anti -personnel drones - small, almost imperceptible, capable of penetrating in a trench, armor and other hiding places, and with a charge sufficient to guarantee the destruction of one enemy fighter. Add to this rapid development of land and marine drones. At the same time, the armed forces of the defending country will be able to resist effective resistance, being in stationary protective structures built in advance (along with roads, how without roads!).

But the aggressor will have to step on the open terrain, which is guaranteed suicide, which even the ZEKs will not be able to sign. Now try to imagine how the aggressor can physically capture any territory of a neighboring country if most of his invasion army will be destroyed immediately after crossing the state border? What can be opposed to swarms of protected drones with artificial intelligence? Only the same swarms, only with the functionality of fighters.

But it will work against relatively large drones. And with small anti -personnel, something will be almost impossible to do something. Because in fact, it is a ball that always involves the target. Someone is able to make an automatic ball interceptor? It may come in handy that some combat space suit for the assault. But it will be more expensive than an anti -personnel drone, which will make aggression economically absurd.

Incidentally, in the confrontation of Israel and Hamas swarms of drones will hardly help. Because Hamas fighters are successfully masked by the civilian population. Therefore, with the distinction who before you, there are not any difficulties even in the natural - human - intelligence, what to say about artificial. Aviation in the presence of modern air defense loses its decisive role, we see it in this war. Only rockets remain in the aggressor.

But this is until the means of delivery of drone swarms to the area of ​​hostile missile systems are created. The world leaders of this strategic direction are the United States and China, with China even ahead of the states. Next are Israel and the United Kingdom. But there is no doubt that observing the course of the Russian-Ukrainian war, the theme of drones began to actively engage all developed countries in the world.