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The analyst report states that the Armed Forces were able to expand the control ...

The Armed Forces are moving on the Left Bank of Kherson region, fighting is ongoing - isw (map)

The analyst report states that the Armed Forces were able to expand the control zone near the western part of the cribs. The Ukrainian forces also conducted attacks in the direction of the Pomp and Peschany. Ukrainian troops continue to move on the left bank of the Kherson region. Fighting near the settlement of Krynka continue. Analysts of the American Institute for War Study (ISW) reported.

The new report of November 20 states that Ukraine's defense forces were able to move forward in Kherson region. This is confirmed by Russian military bloggers. According to them, the Armed Forces were able to expand the control zone near the western part of the cribs. Analysts say that Russian troops continue to strike at the positions of the Armed Forces thermobaric ammunition from the heavy flamethrowing system of the Tos-1A "Solnicecco".

In addition, according to Russian sources, the Ukrainian forces also conducted attacks in the direction of Polyma (12 km east of Kherson and 4 km from the Dnieper River) and Peschanivka (13 km east of Kherson and 3 km from the Dnieper River). Recall that ISW analysts reported that the Armed Forces are transferring additional forces to the left bank of the Kherson region.