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Ukrainian intelligence carries out 3-4 hacker attacks for the month on the Russi...

Cyberwar against

Ukrainian intelligence carries out 3-4 hacker attacks for the month on the Russian Federation. Most often, the Russians resort to the "gear", physically disconnecting equipment from the global Internet. Representatives of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine have announced more than 50 cyberattacks aimed at digital infrastructure of the Russian Federation. About it reports NV.

During the time that Russia is fighting against Ukraine, several dozen surgery in cyberspace was conducted cyber forces. Ukrainian intelligence performs 3-4 hacker attacks for a month, depending on the goals and the information gained. Cyber ​​operations have different goals. Some are aimed at finding and obtaining secret information on equipment and personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

During such attacks, Ukrainian scouts find out what equipment is in service with Russian troops, where certain parts are located and in what quantity. Data on enterprises that are part of the Russian military-industrial complex are also interested in GUR. Having acquired information about them, you can understand what weapons are able to produce Russia, in what time, in what quantity, how to use them, etc.

According to the representatives of the GUR, the service already has several terabytes data on the forces of the aggressor country. This information is transmitted by the SBU and the Armed Forces to raise situational awareness, analysis, etc. GUR also conducts cyberattacks in order to harm or disable the equipment that Russians use to exchange data or financial and economic activity, etc. The hostile side tries to protect himself from Hacker attacks by GUR.