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On the Day of Missile Forces and Artillery and Engineering Day, President of Ukr...

The President of Ukraine visited one of the training centers of missile troops and artillery units and got acquainted with the latest examples

On the Day of Missile Forces and Artillery and Engineering Day, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky visited one of the training centers of missile troops and artillery units and got acquainted with the latest examples of artillery and engineering weapons and military equipment.

Head of the Main Directorate of Missile Forces and Artillery of the General Staff of the Armed Forces Sergey Baranov reported to the Head of State on the peculiarities of the use of artillery weapons and equipment, including the AS-90 SAU, D-30 guns, SAU 2S22 "Bogdan", SAU PZH 2000, SHARK PZH. He informed Vladimir Zelensky about the volumes of this type of weapons necessary for the troops.

Head of engineering troops-Head of the Department of Engineering Forces of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces Alexander Yakovets introduced the President to the samples of engineering equipment: Wisent 1 engineering tank, MaxxPro armored personnel carrier with SPARK mine trall, AHLMANNMN Tank. Oleksandr Yakovets told Vladimir Zelensky in detail about the use of robotic systems for humanitarian demining in the de -industrial territories and near the area of ​​active fighting.

He noted Shredder engineering tank, which is one of the best samples. According to him, active training of personnel from its use is currently underway. The President also demonstrated the interaction of artillery and engineering troops in the performance of combat missions, in particular the suppression of the enemy fire point, the development of mine-explosive barriers and the occupation of a hostile position.