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Military police will be engaged in offenses that are carried out exclusively by ...

Military police will follow the CCC: People's Deputy explained why a new Armed Forces body (video) was needed

Military police will be engaged in offenses that are carried out exclusively by military personnel, explained by the People's Deputy Vladlen Neslyudov. The Armed Forces of Ukraine need a structure that would be engaged in offenses of servicemen. Military police, and MPs on the path of its creation, should become this structure.

What the military police will do and whether it will be able to influence the territorial centers of acquisition (TCC), the People's Deputy Vladlen Nesludov from the "servant of the people" told "Radio Liberty". Nesludov first explained that Ukraine needs reform in the field of military justice. Among other things, it is important to put order in the Armed Forces. In his opinion, military police will help, for example, commanders when "their teams do not execute orders and flee from the front.

" In addition, the new police will see the military who are among civilians. Ordinary police may not cope with such an offender. In turn, the military - will have the right to stop and searches for transport, detain, investigate, etc. The journalist clarified the thesis that heard on the air: "Military police will work in the shopping center".

He was interested in who the new structure would be engaged - citizens who were sent for various reasons to military enlistment offices, or to the employees of the Tax Code, who brought them there, for example, forcibly. The politician assured that the competence of the military police was an offense of military committees. "No-no, not those who have been delivered. It's not their scope,"-heard on air.

People's Deputy Solomiya Bobrovska from the Voice faction also participated in the conversation on the new bill. After the response, she listed a few clashes with the participation of CCC employees and doubted that there would be changes. She also doubts that Ukraine needs another "punitive body" - they are enough. It should be noted that Focus wrote about the bill No. 6559-d "On Military Police", adopted in the first reading on June 19.

The text indicates that the size of the new law enforcement agency is 1. 5% of the Armed Forces. The duties include violations of the law committed by military personnel. In addition, the people's deputies had an alternative bill, which described in detail the powers of the new structure in the Armed Forces. This option was rejected and decided to focus on No. 6559-D.