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Slovak Prime Minister Fitzo stated that he seeks to restore

Putin on the wire: who and why from Western politicians stand for the fastest dialogue with the Kremlin

Slovak Prime Minister Fitzo stated that he seeks to restore "normal relations" with the Russian Federation, and the German government does not refute information about the Chancellor Scholz's desire to communicate with Putin. What similar signals show and what political tactics they will encourage the Kremlin, found out the focus.

The chairman of the Slovak Government Robert Fitzo during communication with journalists on Thursday, October 3 stated that in the event of the completion of the Russian-Ukrainian War "during the mandate of this government", that is, by 2027, I will do everything to restore economic and generally normal as possible Relations with the Russian Federation. " "The European Union needs the Russian Federation, the Russian Federation needs the European Union.

At the same time, we will be very taking care of friendly relations with Ukraine," the Prime Minister of Slovakia stressed. He also added that "conflict in Ukraine" has no military solution, and today many politicians are already talking about the need for compromises against Ukraine. As an example, Fitzo cited the President of the neighboring Czech Republic Peter Paul, who recently admitted the possibility of completion of the war in Ukraine without the de -occupation of all its territories.

Meanwhile, German Die Zeit spoke about Chancellor Scholz's plans "in the next weeks" to call Putin, with whom he has not communicated since December 2022. Although the speaker of the Russian leader Peskov assured that Berlin had not yet made a request for such a conversation, the representative of the German government, Steffen Hebestrit, began to either confirm or refute such plans.

He only noted: "The chancellor has repeatedly said that at the right moment he would talk to Putin again on the phone. " Scholz himself, communicating with citizens during the day of unity in Shverin on October 2, stated that the event is now tasked with creating all the conditions for the organization of an international conference, which will come to Kyiv and Moscow. "We already need a conference in which Ukraine and Russia will take part," said Olaf Soltz.

According to him, it is necessary to look at different opportunities so that "fighting in eastern Europe does not last forever. " It should be noted that in early September, German Chancellor had already spoken in a similar key and spoke about the onset of the moment when it is worth looking for a "exit from the situation".

At the same time, the Italian newspaper La Repubblica reported the creation of a peaceful settlement plan by a Slash, which, among other things, included territorial concessions from Ukraine. Although officially in the German government the presence of a peace plan from Mr. Scholz was not confirmed, he really was talking about the settlement.

Against this background, the Hong Kong newspaper The South China Morning Post, with reference to sources, said that the German Foreign Ministry head Annna Berbb will go to China in the coming days. The goal is to discuss a lot of things, including the Russian-Ukrainian war, as well as the confrontation of Israel and Iran. It should be noted that Germany is not the only European country that has recently hinted at the need for a speedy peaceful settlement.

For example, Switzerland, which in June 2024 was with Ukraine co-organizer of the debut "Summit of Peace", suddenly supported the Chinese-Brazilian initiative "Friends of Peace", which can join "like-minded people" interested in solving the "Ukrainian crisis". "This platform offers an alternative to militant speeches that are heard on both the Ukrainian and Russian side," Bern Nicolas Bido, a representative of the Foreign Ministry of Switzerland, explained Bern.

Instead, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, stating that this step is disappointing, they added, they say, the only basis for settlement could be the "formula of peace" of Vladimir Zelensky. Berne said that the "Zelensky formula" is not the only plan that can and should be discussed.

Political scientist Volodymyr Fesenko, commenting on the focus of fresh "peaceful" statements, notes the following: "In my opinion, to speak of a truly real diplomatic thaw in relations with the Russian And different motives He is guided by his internal political interests on the one hand and the current international situation, on the other.

Calling the tactics of the German Chancellor play, which is not connected with the desire to reconcile with the Russian Federation, the expert added: "Scholtz thus tries to choose the optimal positioning before the parliamentary elections in Germany, which will take place in 2025. In addition, Scholz hopes.

that it is already possible to start active probability of Putin's readiness for real negotiations so that the picture will be clear to the G20's leaders (G20 leaders will meet in Rio de Janeiro on November 18-19). When Western politicians begin to declare a readiness to negotiate with Putin, the latter perceives as a manifestation of weakness.

And if, for example, everything is clear with Fitzo, because he, speaking of the restoration of "normal relations" with the Russian Federation, essentially declares his political outlook, then in the case of the Germans is much more difficult. The fact is that, since 2008, the axis of Berlin-Moscow-Bepein began to form between Germany and Putin. By 2014, this association has already been formed as a clear anti -American axis.

Germany gave technologies and money, Russia-minerals, China produced products. "The expert, reminding that at the beginning of a full-scale war, the event in the face of the United States forced Germany to separate from Russia and assist Ukraine, stated:" The first half of a year of Russian-Ukrainian full-scale The German authorities were "looping" in every possible way, but by the moment as a group of patriots - American, German, Russian or Ukrainian - undermined the Nord Stream.

After that, Germany had to return to the United States, which brought their liquefied gas. Germany has lost her very cheap energy from Russia and is very difficult now. But despite the fact that Germany's connection with the Russian Federation and to some extent, even with the PRC, managed to break, but in fact, in a geopolitical sense, they still reach for each other.

"Putin understands that Germany is highly dependent on the US Viktor Nevzhenko, and therefore "provides a giant support for the former GDR. " Actually, so Putin will not reduce the pressure on Ukraine, but will not increase it to Germany, because it is so enormous, " - emphasizes the political scientist.

Emphasizing that the pressure of the Russian Federation on Germany is already yielding fruits, Viktor Nevzhenko noted the following: The four large German regions in the recent election won the "alternative for Germany" and the famous Sarah Vagenknecht, a fantastic woman, almost a Fuhrer. I have listened to her anti -Ukrainian speeches several times and I can assure that Marin Le Pen did not stand, and Russian toppropagandists generally smoke in general.