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Over the past seven days, Russian President Vladimir Putin gave two major interv...

Baiden's praises but winks Trump: what is hidden behind Putin's last interview

Over the past seven days, Russian President Vladimir Putin gave two major interviews: American TV presenter Taer Karlson and the Kremlin TV channel. Focus asked the experts to explain that it was behind the media activity of the Kremlin leader. In recent months, the President's election campaign has been gaining momentum in the Russian Federation. For this reason, Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin is increasingly appearing in public, distributing comments, making statements for the media.

The vertex of his information activity is an interview with American journalist Tair Carlson. This event interrupted a long pause of Moscow in communication with the Western media. She was also supposed to demonstrate the Western audience that Russia was allegedly ready for peace talks. However, according to experts, the conversation was unsuccessful and did not realize the tasks.

For this reason, the President of the Russian Federation had to organize another interview - with the Kremlin TV channel to explain his intentions. It is known that Russian President Vladimir Putin is trying to avoid public speaking. According to the focus interlocutors, its present term was marked by the lowest information activity for all years of government management. Russian political scientists have repeatedly paid attention to Putin's seclusion, especially during the coronavirus pandemic.

There were times when the President of the Russian Federation disappeared for a few weeks from the public space. Then the media wrote about Putin's fatigue, the desire to focus on global purposes, and also discussed rumors about the incurable disease of the Kremlin's master and even death. From about the fall of 2023, as political scientist Oleg Posternak says, Putin began to appear more actively in public.

He spoke at the Valdai Forum, a meeting of the Ministry of Defense Board, and also held a "straight line" with the Russians. The main reason is the future election in March 2024. Although the election process in the Russian Federation is only an imitation, everyone knows in advance that Putin will become the president, the Kremlin needs to ensure high turnout at the polling stations.

Back in 2000, when Putin was first elected president, political circles thought that Russia was a country with managed democracy. This format of government management for many years demonstrates that the Russian Federation, on the one hand, is formally in a number of states whose leaders rely on the support of the people, on the other - keeps all processes under control. "For Putin, the topic of legitimacy as a president is extremely important.

Many voters do not want to go to the election, and the Kremlin tries to solve the problem of low turnout. Putin knows that the country's grandeur is based on the ability of a leader to represent his people who voted for him. How to show everything The world is maximal support? Only with the help of elections, " - says Posternak. Particularly important is the support of voters in the context of a long war.

It is known that in Moscow concerned with the influence of failures on the front on the upcoming elections and believe that military failures can adversely affect their results. In order to increase its weight and importance to the inner voter, it is important for Putin to send a signal, including the Western audience that he is allegedly not a terrorist and ready for peace talks, the focus interlocutors say.

Moreover, on the eve of the Munich Security Conference, scheduled from February 16 to February 18, Ukraine hopes to conclude an agreement with Germany. "Based on the audience of the" First Nuclear button ", Putin hoped to implement his narratives. For the most part, it was done for Trump's audience. Carlson is a conservative journalist, his views are associated with a particular part of the American electorate.

It is no secret that a part of the US audience considers Putin a state leader who protects traditional conservative values. That is why his image is present in the US election campaign, though not on such a scale as Trump would like, "Posternak notes. Interviews with American journalist Takhrom Carlson had to demonstrate Putin's readiness for negotiations with Ukraine. However, according to political scientist Volodymyr Fesenko, the task was not completed.

The main thesis of peace was lost in the conversation process and did not cause the expected resonance. Therefore, a few days later, the President of the Russian Federation had to give another interview - already a Russian journalist to re -explain - what he wanted to convey when communicating with Carlson. In a conversation with the presenter of TV channel "Russia 1" Pavel Zarubin, Putin agreed that meeting with the American TV presenter was not as planned.

He called Carlson a "dangerous person" that specifically avoided acute topics. And when asked who will be the best president of the United States for Russia without thinking - Biden. According to Fesenko, Joe Baiden Putin's remarks made the remarks specifically to play Presidential President Donald Trump. After Karlson's interview with the Kremlin leader in American expert circles, the idea is actively discussing that Trump works in the interests of Moscow.

Baiden's team uses this argument against the competitor in the election, so Putin tried to neutralize the attacks. Political scientist Oleg Posternak holds the same opinion. "Trump immediately reacted as if Putin's statement about Biden proves that he was afraid of him. But I think Putin specifically played Trump. This is such a signal to the American voter with an anti -Russian installation, who has not yet determined who to vote for. Suppose the average voter says.

What Putin is crazy, terrorizes the whole world. And this enemy says Biden is better for him than Trump. So we need to support Trump. This is a way to stop the enemy, "Posternak adds. Although none of the two major interviews of Putin have made sensational statements, it will be possible to judge the results of the Kremlin's information campaign after the election - both in Moscow and in the US.