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Journalists write that Russia is actively investing in order to establish an imp...

"State Fighting Belt": Russia is buying new allies cheaply - the media

Journalists write that Russia is actively investing in order to establish an impact in a number of Africa. To do this, she uses the mercenaries of Wagner PEC, religion, propaganda, education, and supports local autocracy. Russia has not been able to strengthen its impact in Europe, so it decided to concentrate its attention on some African countries. Thus, Moscow wants to strengthen the position in the international arena to open another "front" against the event. Financial Times writes about it.

According to journalists, the Kremlin also operates with the help of religion. Thus, in the Orthodox Cathedral in Banz, the capital of the Central African Republic, Monsignor Regis Saint-Clair Voemov passed from the Patriarchate to Moscow. The newspaper writes that for this purpose the Russian Federation has decided to finance the restoration of murals, as well as the construction of a new facade of the destroyed cathedral. In addition, she paid a three -month visit to Moscow in 2022.

Moscow also financed the creation of a special class for 60 children studying in the king in Russian. The material says that the king is one of the poorest states in the world, and therefore Russia has the opportunity to greatly influence the political and economic life of this country. The Kremlin's strategy combines propaganda, weapons selling, mineral production, the presence of Wagner Merzes and interference with the economy.

It is reported that Moscow has concentrated its efforts to establish an impact in the Sahal region. It is a tropical savanna area of ​​Africa, which includes 12 countries. The Russian Federation has already managed to adjust the region against France, which previously dominated there. According to Samuel Rusi Rusi, Moscow is focused on the lane of Mali to Sudan.

In the Kremlin, they want to build a "coup of government coups" to give influence to local governments and displace the event from the region. According to the expert, Russia has been operating in Africa for a long time, using hybrid methods of establishing its influence. These are the methods of concluding agreements against local insurgents, selling weapons, maintenance of autocractions and soft power.

It is also reported that the Russian Federation is trying to establish an impact on Mozambick, South Africa and other countries. However, the event sees it and tries to respond. So, last year, US Secretary of State Atony Blinken and US Finance Minister Janet Yellen flew to Africa. Vice president's visit is planned to be Kamala Harris and President Joe Baiden this year.

In addition, in the fall, French President Emmanuel Macron made a speech in which he explicitly stated that Russia was not a friend of Africa. He noted that the Russian Federation proved to be a colonial state. Earlier, Focus wrote that experts told about the possible end of the war in Ukraine. Analysts who envisaged the victory of Ukraine in the war against the Russian Federation from the beginning of a full -scale invasion were told about the further development of the situation.