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The share of the State Corporation, which makes the

Rostekh employees serving the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation do not give vacations through a defense order - the media

The share of the State Corporation, which makes the "breakthrough" tanks and the "shell-C1" complexes for the Russian army, accounts for up to 40% of the total volume of the defense order of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. In Rostech, the rejection of vacations is explained by the "seriousness of the moment for Russia". Since the beginning of August, the Russian State Corporation has been in force in the Russian State Corporation, which prohibits key employees on vacation.

This is due to the implementation of a significantly increased state defense order. About it writes the Russian Agency of RBC with reference to its sources in the defense-industrial complex. As it is specified, the order is primarily concerned with toplemen - directors, their deputies and chief experts. In doing so, they have the right not to grant their vacations. "From the directors, their deputies are waiting for the maximum involvement in the processes.

At this stage, they are advised to perform duties without interruption from production and review the schedule of vacations. If necessary, they can apply a similar event to subordinates," in particular, told the source of the agency. Rostech was told to journalists that the share of the State Corporation accounts for up to 40% of the total volume of Russian state defense.

"The moment is serious and responsible for the country, so they take all necessary measures to unconditional the state defense order and to solve other tasks facing the state and the industry," said representatives of the State Corporation. The State Corporation "Rostekh" was created in 2007 to promote, production and export of high -tech industrial products of civil and military purposes. About 350 Rostech enterprises are involved in the work on the execution of the state defense order.

The State Corporation supplies the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation armored vehicles, missile complexes, small arms, ammunition. In total, Rostech produces more than 400 types of weapons and military equipment. In 2021, the corporation launched the first supply of serial batches of T-14 T-14.

The list of supplies for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation also includes tanks T-90m "Breakthrough", anti-aircraft missile and harvest complexes "Armored-C1", AK-12 machines, pistols "Widow" and more. A few days ago, it became known that Rostekh wanted to present an unmanned BMP-3 infantry machine at the Army-2022 Military-Technical Forum. The armored vehicle will demonstrate its capabilities in a dynamic show with the robotic module "Tit".