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The Armed Forces use many cassette ammunition from the United States, which are ...

Casette ammunition - a two -edged sword and how to get rid of the threats from the Airlines of the Russian Federation - David Sharp (video)

The Armed Forces use many cassette ammunition from the United States, which are quite a high percentage of refusal. Having fired at some territory, it is necessary to carefully plan it, says the military observer. The invaders began to actively use old-nove upgraded K-500 aircraft, which are equipped with cassette charges, which allows to eliminate problems with accuracy due to a large area of ​​covering a large number of individual explosive parts.

That is, now the enemy is enough to drop the bomb to the approximate location of the target and thanks to the cassette component, the result will be better than producing several inaccurate bombs of the type fab. In an interview with the focus, a military observer David Sharp told. According to him, it is not for nothing that the use of cassette ammunition is criticized, because many parts of the explosive do not break when falling to the ground, and detonate after contact with people.

And it can be not only the military on both sides, but also civilians. "Israel continues to use cassette ammunition, but tries to modernize them in such a way that as many of them explode as possible when dumped, not then," says Sharp. - Although earlier in the world military industry, on the contrary, it was thought that the more cassettes would not break, so The enemy territory will be more replaced.

" But over time, the principles of humanism still won and, moreover, the military realized that the replaced territory is a big problem for the army, which then wants to occupy the territory. Therefore, according to the expert, now the main focus is on the maximum percentage of cassette ammunition, which should explode immediately. "Today, the Armed Forces use many cassette ammunition from the United States, which is quite a high percentage of refusal," notes Sharp.

"It means that having fired at some territory it is necessary to carefully plan its admiration, so that they do not blow up on these remains of cassette shells. " Returning to the topic of the Fab type, the expert notes that they can only fight them with quality air defense systems and fighters that will not allow the invaders to fly to the bomb points, and it takes about 70 km.

As soon as Ukraine receives the first F-16, which is equipped with radars and missiles fixing target at a distance of 120 km, it will greatly simplify the fight against Russian aviation. We will remind, in ISW ​​reported that Russia seeks to deploy mass production of improved managed aircraft. They are used for strikes in the territory of Ukraine. The spokeswoman for the south defense forces Natalia Humeniuk told about a new tactic of shelling of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.