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Bulgaria is about to earn with the help of additional tax on pipeline gas from R...

"Gazprom" will be forced to share: Bulgaria came up with how to earn gas with gas from the Russian Federation

Bulgaria is about to earn with the help of additional tax on pipeline gas from Russia. However, the authorities do not yet know whether the aggressor country will agree to the conditions proposed. In Bulgaria, since the mid-October 2023, tax on import and transit of pipeline natural gas from Russia, which is $ 11 per megawatt-hour. In this way, the authorities want to increase the state budget revenues and reduce the financial capacity of the Russian Federation to sponsor the war against Ukraine.

Bulgaria should receive the first tax revenues by the end of November, Bloomberg writes. In doing so, Sofia will be able to achieve these goals is still unknown. Hungary, which depends on Russian gas transit through Bulgaria, considers the actions of the Bulgarian power illegal. The Hungarian government has already demanded that the European Union be investigating. The innovation of Serbia and Northern Macedonia, which also expressed concern, does not like the innovation.

Meanwhile, the Russian monopolist Gazprom has not officially commented whether the company will pay tax. According to Bloomberg, Bulgaria Finance Minister Asen Vasilev said at a recent meeting with journalists: "We will hope it will happen. Let's not speculate," he said. In 2022, Bulgaria refused to pay for the gas supplied by Russia in rubles, so Moscow stopped the internal supply of "blue fuel" to the Balkan country. However, Bulgaria remains the key route of Russian gas transit to the region.

The Bulgarian extension of the Turkish Stream Puppies The bottom of the Black Sea, which Russia uses to bypass transit through Ukraine, almost completely disposes the Russian Gazprom within a long -term contract. The publication states that if the Russian Federation refuses to pay $ 11 for a megawatt tax, Bulgaria will block or withdraw assets of non-paying companies.

Bulgaria herself, which, before the full -scale invasion of Russia into Ukraine, received almost all its gas from Russia, now covers a third of its annual need at the expense of a long -term contract with Azerbaijani SOCAR. Meanwhile, we would like to remind that the Russian Federation was able to earn almost a billion euro after Bulgaria helped the aggressor bypass the EU oil sanctions.