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The Kremlin has long played with extremism in the Caucasus, pretending to contro...

Russia loses control of the Caucasus. That showed bloody events in Dagestan

The Kremlin has long played with extremism in the Caucasus, pretending to control the situation. But, as the analyst Alexei Kopitko notes, a number of recent events show that Russia has grown to itself a monster who does everything he pleases. June 16 - hostage hostages in the Rostov detention center by several Igilovtsi, who bought an ax and dust from their guards. Angrily convicted and destroyed.

June 17 - The Project published a movie about Kadyrov with details that Russian law enforcement officers should respond to. They did not respond. June 20 - "New Gazeta. Europe" publishes material that on June 8, Kadyrov has hurriedly and secretly married two sons (one 17, the other 16 years) on minor girls to strengthen intercluding relationships. So what? Do not envy, have foreign agents morning! Tip and love! June 23 - incidents in Mahachkala and Derbent.

The Orthodox priest was killed on the Trinity and set fire to the synagogue. The flow of condemnations and accusations against Ukraine and the event. If it is confirmed that the attackers were the sons of one of the local officials, fiction about Ukraine will become especially spicy.

(I would like to remind that the incident with the storming of the airport in Mahachkala for the purpose of mass murder of Jews remained in the past and with almost no consequences, symbolic condemnation for participants). For years, the Kremlin has grown a monster and fed the illusion of control over extremists to society. Suddenly, it turned out that the unpunished monster did not guarantee anything and the situation became only worse.

Especially - after the "crocus", when the Russian man rolled the most vague history and, against its background, dispersed Xenophobic sentiment. The military offender Dmitry Rogozin is already trying to ride a wave of dissatisfied with a total lies: he will quarrel with any act of "national and religious intolerance" to write off to Ukraine. We wish all the participants of the competition of maximum dedication. Burn yourself in hell yourself.