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After a height, it turned out that one of its navigation systems failed. The upg...

Navigation refusal: a new accident with the IL-76 military aircraft has occurred in the Russian Federation-the media

After a height, it turned out that one of its navigation systems failed. The upgraded IL-76MD-90A can carry the whole list of weapons and equipment of landing troops of the Russian Federation. On the eve of September 21, another accident with the participation of a military aircraft occurred in the Russian Federation.

The IL-76 cargo aircraft flew from Koltsovo Airport in Rostov-on-Don, but after the altitude it turned out that one of his navigation systems failed, which the commander of the board reported the dispatcher. It became known about the edition of "Ostorozhnost Novosti". The pilot decided to plant a plane in Yekaterinburg, where a team of rescuers awaited him during an emergency landing. At 10 o'clock in the evening, after successful emergency landing, it was towed to investigate the break.

There was no damage, it is also known that there were no dangerous cargoes during planting. The IL-76MD-90A military transport aircraft is a deep modernization of IL-76. The Russian Defense Ministry received it in April 2015. According to Russian media, the aircraft can take on board the whole list of weapons and equipment of the Airborne troops of the Russian Federation. It is intended for inter -regional transportation of heavy equipment and cargo, as well as personnel.