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Putin's visit to Saudi Arabia and the UAE is by no means the victory of Russia, ...

Russia was pointed to the place. What Putin actually said with Saudi Arabia and UAE leaders

Putin's visit to Saudi Arabia and the UAE is by no means the victory of Russia, the journalist Vadim Denysenko assures. In fact, the Russian dictator went to the Arabs to explain the oil issue. That's where the curtain was revealed, and what Putin spoke with the Saudi and Emirates. Russia has promised more data on the production, processing and export of oil, Reuters writes.

And all this happened against the backdrop of the record growth of the Russian budget from oil during August-October (no information for November is not yet). Simply put, in the Middle East are not sure that Russia honestly leads a game from OPEC+ to reduce production. Putin's visit is not a victorious visit, but a visit. Apparently, the meeting became possible only after Putin agreed to disclose the information. On the other hand, this visit is a warning.

Arabs, in their own manner, explain that we (Arabs) do not need to be deceived. And tuples and plots under the church are entourage. As a result, the parties, apparently, agreed that some would show all the data, while others pretended that nothing happened (although it is worth at least to pay attention to the fact that Russia has pushed the Saudites from the first place to supply oil to China, example). What about this? While nothing.

But in the future, given the desire of the Saudites (albeit spoiled by our too sharp position on Israel) to become intermediaries in conflict with the Russian Federation, this story can become very important to us. After all, the promises will be the inevitable lie of Russia, and its manipulation with statistics will be useful for us. You just have to prepare and understand that the lie will open for about the next half a year.