Then-neutralized with FPV-auctions. The details of the attack on Ukrainian positions military journalist and editor-in-chief "Censor. NET" Yuriy Butusov published in the Telegram. The first footage shows the front line in the Kursk region and five points in which attacks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation occur. After that, records made by the Armed Forces with an unknown shade appear. Drones show snowy terrain and forestry, in which enemy soldiers hide between the trees.
Most are in white camouflage suits. Some frames are blurred, and some have a high quality and see what the military of the Russian Federation is doing. Every potential goal on video is outlined and indicate that it is probably a North Korean soldier. You can count about 16 red circles that show the hiding places of soldiers. Then there is a slicing of FPV-aid. Each UAV enters the desired point: it was possible to remove all enemy soldiers remotely without the use of other weapons.
Butusov wrote that he shows the staff of the "Korean People's Army" attack at the position of 22 OMBR of the Armed Forces in the Kursk region. "At the end of these personnel, Ukrainian defenders collect trophies and find in liquidated documents issued in the Russian Federation," the journalist wrote. In the last seconds, you can really see the screenshots of documents.
We see the certificate of the military of the Russian Federation, which indicates some names, dates of birth, passport numbers, but there is no photo of the owner. The numbers of two parts are also indicated - №02492 (written by hand) and №55115 (seal). The titles of neutralized soldiers are visible - the lieutenant colonels, and the name and title of commander of part №55115 - Colonel B. Arin.
It should be noted that from January 5-6, 2025 a new offensive of the Armed Forces began in the Kursk region, analysts confirmed. The geolocation of personnel from the scene showed that the Ukrainian military probably entered the settlements north of Sudzhi, for example, to the village of Berdin. In addition, the forbes analyzed the fight, which was attended by fighters of the 80 airborne assault brigade of the Armed Forces and the APC Stryker.
The article explained that Ukrainians seem to have enough hatred to enemies to "smoke" them without the use of firearms. On January 7, a photo of four military certificates, which were found in clothing of neutralized enemy soldiers, were published in the Volunteer Community channel. The post states that all four are probably officers of the DPRK army. Note that the photos published by volunteers are not indicated. They also noted that the names listed in the certificates are most likely fake.
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