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The affected Russian radar was able to identify many goals, including fighters, ...

GUR fighters struck two Russian radars near Kursk: what did the occupiers get rid of (video)

The affected Russian radar was able to identify many goals, including fighters, rockets and traps. Ukrainian scouts struck expensive Russian radar stations (radar)-"Sky" and probably "Gamma-P1E"-near the settlement Dmitriev in the Kursk region (RF) on November 18. The corresponding video was posted in the Telegram channel of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

The black and white video, shot from a bird's view, shows one radar first, and a few seconds later-the other. The intelligence officers did not specify the means of the enemy's equipment, most likely they were struck by drones. "On November 18, 2023, a radio technical position of the enemy was discovered near Dmitriev Kursk region. The enemy was affected. It should be noted that "sky" is a family of Russian radar stations of the meter range of waves.

It was produced in versions for air defense forces and for land troops. "Sky" 55z6 is a knitted transportable version of the radar, the development of which was conducted in 1982-1987. Able to detect a fighter flying at a height of 20 kilometers above the ground, within a radius of up to 400 kilometers. "Gamma-C1E" is an export version of the radar "Gamma-C1". It is a Russian mobile three -coordinate radar station of general purpose of a centimeter range of waves of medium range.

It is intended for conducting a circular or sectoral inspection of airspace for the purpose of air defense, control of airspace, as well as providing civilian air traffic. It is capable of: radar capable: radar consists of domestic components. A flat phase antenna grille is used as an antenna system. The implementation of the headlights made it possible to apply electronic scanning of the transmission and receiving rays of the radar diagram in the vertical plane.

The transmitting device uses a modern electric vacuum device that has high output power, reliability, and also has indicators of electromagnetic compatibility and mass-size characteristics at the level of leading samples in this field.

Gamma-C1 complex: in the combat mode of radar makes it possible to effectively identify, identify coordinates and accompany a wide class of modern and promising air attacks in a complex interference environment, as well as to provide classes of single goals (aircraft, rocket, trap. ) by special and trajectory features. We will remind, at the end of October the soldiers of the MSC was buried by the enemy radar "Zoo".