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There are many successful operations on the current commander -in -chief of the ...

From the defense of Kiev to the breakthrough of the border of the Russian Federation: how and with whom Syrsky planned a raid in Kursk region

There are many successful operations on the current commander -in -chief of the Armed Forces: the defense of Kiev, the displacement of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation from the northern part of Ukraine, a counter -offensive in Kharkiv region. The attack on the Kursk region was planned carefully and knew about this limited number of people. The factor of suddenness and helped the defense forces to become in an enemy territory, which created problems for the Kremlin.

For 2 weeks, Ukraine continues surgery in the Kursk region and has achieved good results. Such success of the Commander -in -Chief of the Armed Forces Alexander Syrsky brought many problems to the Russians. The focus gathered everything that is known about the preparation for the offensive and its success. It all started on Tuesday morning, August 6. On that day, the Russians lost control of the border between the Sumy and Kursk region.

The forces of defense began to promote deep into the enemy territory and occupied settlements one by one. For the first time, the Ukrainian side did not formally confirmed the presence of the Armed Forces in the Kursk region. For example, on the first day in the General Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense (GUR MOU) stated that battles continue in a number of Russian settlements, but the operations of the "Russian volunteer corps" (RDC) "are not involved in the operation.

There was no more information about the Armed Forces of Ukraine stated that the situation was only exacerbated by the Russian power agencies in the shortest possible time. that the plans of Kiev to improve the negotiation positions, but after the invasion of the Kursk region of Moscow does not intend to conduct any peace negotiations.

But what negotiations can be discussed with people who, without parsing, strikes peaceful population, civilian infrastructure, or try to pose threats to nuclear power? What can be said with them at all? " Ramzan Kadyrov in a comment to the Media Media "Chechnya Today" promised that within a few days the situation will be better. Defense continued to move deep into the Russian territory. Defense, but in the department, not to warn President Vladimir Putin.

Due to the breakthrough of defense forces in the Kursk region, Ukraine may increase that the US and European allies should not be afraid of the Kremlin threats about escalation. Ukraine officially confirmed the operation in the Kursk region only on August 12, almost a week. At that moment, the forces of defense were kept under the control of 1000 square kilometers of the Russian territory, said Alexander Sirsky. Further days of defense continued to move forward and captured Russian fighters.

On August 14, the Armed Forces Head reported that more than 100 enemy soldiers were detained since the beginning of the day. This replenishment of the exchange fund in the future should help return home Ukrainian defenders and defenders. The planning of this operation was kept in complete secrecy and some of the Armed Forces fighters were warned of the offensive only a day before it began, it was said in The Economist.

The fighters of the Defense Forces, who commented to the journalists, were fought in the east before, but before the breakthrough in the Kursk region were thrown from there. Alexander Sirsky himself could have hinted at the Donbass defenders about a breakthrough in the Kursk region, but none of them did not know anything.

Head of the Public Relations Service of 110th OMBR named after Mark Bezruchka Ivan Sekach said that a few weeks ago the Armed Forces head came to the Pokrovsky direction to reward the fighters and urged them to stay, because "let's go on the offensive soon" . At that time, the fighters did not accept this news with enthusiasm, because they thought that it was an offensive in the Donbass, but only later did they realize what Alexander Sirsky meant. "See how cunningly did.

Very reasonably and correctly - with the enemy it is necessary to take, it is necessary to take unexpected steps. It hit the prestige of Russia, on its armed forces - a lot of prisoners. There was a confidence that there was gunpowder in powder, " - Ivan Sekach shared. Bloomberg, citing their sources, wrote separately that Ukraine had several options for how to conduct an offensive operation in Russia, and one of the key purposes was to shock Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Journalists have suggested that this may be part of a broader strategic plan, but it is related to certain risks for Ukraine. In addition, The Economist released a material that revealed some made of how Alexander Sirsky planned everything. Initially, a limited number of people knew about the plan.

The Armed Forces Head even preferred to use army intelligence in the first stages, not the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense, which was attracted only before the breakthrough in the Kursk region. It was for secrecy that the rate was made, because even the head of the Presidential Office Andriy Yermak did not even know about the offensive in the Russian territory, says the source of journalists.

With the head of state, Vladimir Zelensky Head of the Armed Forces spoke only alone on the subject. Western partners were also not reported on the Armed Forces plans and there was also a reason. The thing is in the material that the two previous operations, which Alexander Sirsky wanted to conduct, was canceled by the Allies. One of the plans was learned in the Kremlin, and the other in the West was not considered effective.

"They realized that something was launched, but most likely suggested that we would need such a bold operation. Andriy Yermak and most Western partners did not respond to The Economist material. However, in recent weeks, thoughts on the allies have still been heard. A week after the breakthrough in the Kursk region, Reuters released a material that stated that the United States was concerned about the Armed Forces.

Anonymous US officials have said that there are some fears that surgery in the Russian territory may not be planned and lead to some consequences. Moreover, in Washington, they do not understand what the goals pursue Kiev with their actions in Kursk, so they are waiting for a more clear picture. As Ukraine did not announce its plans, an anonymous source said "there is nothing unusual that they do something without being aware of us.

" On August 14, the first public reaction to what is happening in the Kursk region was published by American President Joe Biden. He stated that the White House was constantly in contact with the Ukrainian side, though he does not know what Kiev wants to achieve. The US President is convinced that the Armed Forces actions have created a real Putin dilemma. Poland.

Poland Prime Minister Donald Tusk stated last week, wrote in Polskie Radio that the operation in the Kursk region is part of Ukrainian defense. If the actions of Russian invaders in Ukraine have all the signs of genocide and all sorts of crimes, then Kyiv, in his opinion, has the full right to continue the war with its vision. In particular, to paralyze the Kremlin and its intentions.

In Warsaw, they are aware that if the neighboring country loses and the Kremlin will be able to capture Ukraine, then Poland will be at risk. In this regard, the support of the defense forces will continue at all levels. Oleksandr Syrsky came to the post of commander -in -chief of the Armed Forces only in February this year, but has been fighting for the Ukrainian future since 2014.

In February, The Guardian released a material that stated that in the first days of a full -scale invasion of the Russian Federation he was responsible for the defense of Kiev. Alexander Sirsky organized everything so, at critical moments managed to protect the capital from the event of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces. It was about the dam on the Irpin River, which flooded the earth and stopped the invaders.

The head of the journalists told that the defense of Kiev became an example of "careful planning". But in the material of The Washington Post of August 2022, Alexander Sirsky, who then held the post of commander of the Land Forces, said that he could not think that the Russian Federation would start a war of such a scale.

Everyone expected the exacerbation of the situation in the Donbass, but on February 24, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation went from several directions, including towards Kiev. It was necessary to act quickly, so two rings were organized for defense - in the suburbs and in the outskirts of the capital. Journalists call Alexander Sirsky "a thoughtful and experienced combat officer who is responsible for planning even the most unforeseen scenarios.

" Another successful operation, commanded by Alexander Sirsky, is the counter -offensive of the Armed Forces in the Kharkiv region in the fall of 2022. It was the first such great success of defense forces since the beginning of a full -scale war. The Washington Post wrote that the counter -offensive was extremely important in the speed so that the enemy could not help himself help and proved to be isolated in those sections of the battlefield where the Armed Forces had managed to move.

"It all depended on the first day and how far we can go. The further we would go, the less they would have options for action and their detachments would be cut off and isolated," the current head told. The Ukrainian side acted according to a clearly planned plan, but still did not expect that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation would leave their positions so quickly. Then it was possible to release almost all part of the Kharkiv region, which was under the control of the Russians.

In the documentary of the journalist Dmitry Komarov "Rick. Kharkiv" Alexander Sirsky also said that Russia always wanted to have control over Kharkiv, because it is an industrial center with a huge number of enterprises, and this issue was fundamental to the enemy. As a result, the regional center was not able to take the Russians, so the Ukrainian side began to operate. They were on account of Alexander Sirsky and not quite successful operations.

Among them, the defense of Bakhmut, which was temporarily occupied by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. In July 2023, when the city was already captured in Donetsk region, the then commander of the Land Forces stated that all the conditions were created to return Bakhmut under the control of Ukraine, because it was strategic. He told about it in an interview with BBC. The fact is that the city was the center of concentration of the main destinations and roads.

Roads from Debaltseve, Siverskaya, Gorlovka, Konstantinovka and Slavyansk go through the city. In an interview with ABC News of the same period, Alexander Sirsky stated that Bakhmut would necessarily be released in the future and he is sure of it. For more than two weeks, the Armed Forces are moving in the Russian territory and not gathering troops. Western media continue to analyze what is happening in the Kursk region and try to find out what the ultimate goal in Kiev and what will lead to.

Some believe that this is needed to strengthen the negotiation positions, others - to raise the morale of the population of Ukraine and defenders. Many thoughts have been expressed in 2 weeks. Senior Advisor from Russia and Europe at the US Peace Institute Donald Jensen said on August 17 that the Armed Forces breakthrough in the Kursk region dispelled the opinion in the West that Ukraine was losing, Bloomberg reports.

He believes that the forces of defense skillfully picked up the weakness of the enemy and used it in a timely manner. As a result of the perception of Ukrainian tactics, the war was changed after many months of active defense. In the summary of August 20, Alexander Syrsky declared that the Armed Forces control in the Kursk region up to 1263 square meters. km, as well as 93 hostile settlements. The promotion of defenders is ongoing.

"In order to create a safety zone and stop shelling from the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as the advance of the enemy of the group of defense forces conduct an offensive defense in the Kursk direction. During the period of attack in the Kursk region of the Armed Forces, they advanced from 28 to 35 km. sq.

The WP learned that the Armed Forces did not plan to leave the Russian region in the near future, as this offensive can create the necessary conditions for fair negotiations to end the war.

In a comment to journalists, the Ukrainian military with the call sign "Boxer" in a comment to the city of Sudzhi said that he initially perceived a breakthrough in the Russian region was not very positive, but every day the situation was changing and he realized that the forces of defense were creating history and the situation with surgery could help finish the war. "I think it is temporary (the presence of Ukraine in the Kursk region - ed. ).

I do not prove to me such a command, but I think the command thinks so much that it is done to finish the war in this way. I think all that is all that It is already on the finish line. In addition, the successes of defense forces in the Kursk region continue, so they intend to stay there. On August 20, Bild Julian Ryopke wrote that Ukraine can close a "boiler" in the Kursk region and only a few kilometers left for this event.

This is due to the fact that the Ukrainian side has undermined the bridges used by the enemy for logistics. As a result, access to the enemy has disappeared through the Seimas River and surrounded by up to three thousand Russian soldiers. As the result, the operation of the Armed Forces in the Russian region for both sides end - no one can predict and here it is only necessary to wait.

We will remind, on August 20 it was reported that the residents of Sudzhi ceased to loot and established cooperation with the Armed Forces. The city in the Kursk region after the fighting remained virtually intact, there are only point destruction, mainly in the central part, where the Russian army and security forces fought defensive battles.

But in the Russian Federation they are preparing for multi-month battles for the Kursk region, as the deputy chief of the Main Military and Political Directorate of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the commander of the special unit "Akhmat" Apty Alaudinov. At the same time, he believes that two to three months are also the timing of the end of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.