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The NATO Jubilee Summit in Washington became the key discussions around Ukraine,...

Constantly on connection with Russia. Why did the Allies not invite Ukraine to NATO

The NATO Jubilee Summit in Washington became the key discussions around Ukraine, in particular, its future in the Alliance. Why the expected invitation was not provided to Kiev and when you can expect it, found out the focus. At first glance, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy would have to leave Washington quite satisfied.

First, NATO's anniversary summit has undertaken to provide Kyiv in 2025 at least € 40 billion, and in the final declaration a promise was made to support Ukraine "on its irreversible way to full Euro-Atlantic integration, including membership in NATO. " After the Washington Congress, a large number of functions of the contact group on the defense of Ukraine in Ramstein, headed by the United States, will pass NATO.

Now the role of the Alliance in coordination of military assistance will increase significantly. Unfortunately, not all Ukraine's requests were satisfied with the allies. After all, Kiev was never invited to join NATO. President Zelensky, although he did not insist on the invitation in Washington, made it clear that they were waiting in Kiev.

The final declaration emphasizes that NATO Ukraine will be invited when all the allies will agree with such a step and the appropriate conditions will be fulfilled. " Meanwhile, Russia in NATO was accused of "irresponsible nuclear rhetoric" and called "the greatest threat to the security of the Allies.

" The NATO Declaration also has a rather rigid formulation to China: Beijing's policy was called "a decisive factor that contributes to Russia's war against Ukraine through the so-called boundless partnership and large-scale support for Russia's defense and industrial base. " NATO leaders demanded from the PRC "to stop any material and political support for military efforts" of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the Alliance noted that they remain open to dialogue with Russia and China.

The Allies assured that they "do not seek confrontation and do not threaten" the Russian Federation, as well as "ready to maintain communication channels to Moscow to reduce the risk and prevent escalation. " In Russia, they reacted. "It will all require us thoughtful, coordinated, and effective measures to counter-contradicting NATO," Peskov added, commenting in particular the US decision from 2026 to place the Tomahawk winged missiles and other long-range weapons in Germany.

Meanwhile, experts with whom focus spoke, believe that the NATO summit in Washington became unsuccessful for the Alliance itself, while Ukraine has received situational benefits. "At the moment, the main brake is not even acceptance, but launching the procedure, that is, the invitation of Ukraine to NATO, there are United States.

Obviously, if the Baiden administration would have been a different position, the Alliance would make a corresponding decision, since the US position is key to the position. NATO in general, " - political scientist Petro Oleshchuk notes in a conversation with focus. In his opinion, the main results of the anniversary summit of the North Atlantic Alliance in Washington are the issue of a military pin.

"Interesting, how I look like the decision to allocate additional air defense systems, including Patriot, as well as the F-16, which in the summer seem to have we. The functionality that was previously performed by Ramstein. . Answering focus questions about whether Ukraine can, given the fact that the US has already passed an election fever, to rely on an invitation to the Alliance at the leaders' summit next year, the expert said: that they are against NATO's adoption.

, it is said that the rejection of Ukraine's membership in NATO may be part of a peaceful settlement. Political scientist Alexei Yakubin said in conversation with focus: "After that summit (in Vilnius, focus), I would like to remind you that a number of events took place, in particular, a failed rebellion of Prigogine, and it seems to me that it was after that that this war was realized that this war would last significantly For longer.

Emphasizing that the current wording of cities for Ukraine is very reminiscent of the wording of the open doors to the Alliance, which were heard at the previous NATO summits, the expert stated: "Such formulations in NATO are most likely to indicate that there are still certain in the event Communication channels with Russia. Separately, Alexei Yakubin points out that there are so far countries that believe that not that membership, even Ukraine's invitation to NATO is not in time.

In particular, the expert notes that if France has changed its position on Ukraine's membership in the Alliance, then the United States and Germany not only oppose it, but also in every possible way inhibit the process of Euro -Atlantic integration of Ukraine. "Apparently, NATO does not know what to do with Ukraine in the short term in terms of mutual integration.

In the Alliance they understand that not to give Kiev a signal means to play Moscow, but they can not send a clear common signal because Not only the United States and Germany, but also, for example, Slovakia, Turkey and Hungary have, say, a skeptical vision of Ukraine in the Alliance, "political scientist Igor Chalenko said in conversation with focus.

The expert explained that Ukraine's allocation of 40 billion military support in 2025, as well as the launch of a mission to assist in Germany, is an effort to demonstrate the support of Ukraine in the plan that it needs to defend and win in Russia. "NATO tactical things are more important than Ukraine's strategic integration.

But at the last NATO Summit in Vilnius, and at the present in Washington, the Alliance put in a very uncomfortable position because the Ukrainian people deserved to be in NATO. We clearly showed that a reliable shield of western Democracy and, despite the fear of NATO, name the clear terms of Ukraine, still do not turn from the path of Euro -Atlantic integration and despite the war, we constantly increase the number of mutual compatibility standards with NATO standards, "says Igor Chalenko.