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1.84 UAH ▲1.04%
The results of the analysis indicate that for every shot of the Armed Forces, th...

The pace of production of artsnaries in the Russian Federation three times exceed the indicators of partners of Ukraine - Sky News

The results of the analysis indicate that for every shot of the Armed Forces, the invaders troops can release about five shells in response. The production of artsnighters in Russia is almost three times higher than the indicator of Western partners of Ukraine. In addition, they cost four times cheaper. This is stated in the analysis of the British edition of Sky News.

Thus, according to the consulting company Bain & Company, Ukrainian defenders have a serious problem due to the dependence of ammunition from the US and Europe to fight the Russian Federation. Experts emphasize that from the very beginning the Russian-Ukrainian war was perceived as a "battle with fire" because of the indicator of the artillery used shells.

In this regard, allies of Ukraine tried to increase production at their factories, but their ability is still lagging behind in Russia, despite the total economic capacity, which significantly exceeds Moscow. Ukrainian defenders on the forefront claim that Russian invaders for each of their shots are able to release about five shells in response. Trying to deal with this problem, the defense forces were able to learn to make every such attack successful.

"Often, we can completely destroy the target with one or two shells," said Senior Lieutenant Konstantin, commander of the artillery battery of the 57th Brigade, which fights the new offensive of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Kharkiv region. He also added that the Ukrainian army still needs additional security. This is necessary to effectively contain the Russian Federation so that every meter of land they want to capture costs them hundreds of lives.

It should be reminded that on April 17, the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, Petr Fial, stated that in June the Armed Forces of Ukraine can count on the supply of the first batch of ammunition. As of now, about 200 thousand shells have already been concluded for purchase.