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In the sky above Belarus, Russian shock drones are often noticed: at least eight...

Lukashenko is drawn to the war: why the Russian Federation launches "Shahda" towards Belarus

In the sky above Belarus, Russian shock drones are often noticed: at least eight "Shahmed" saw at least on September 5. Belarusians get used to flashes and loud sounds. Military analysts are convinced that Russia intentionally chose a new tactic: Ukraine can be accused of "military escalation" at any time. On September 5, the Belarusian soldiers were knocking down the Iranian drones of Shahaned, launched by the Russian army in Ukraine.

Two drones of Kamikadze entered the Gomel region from the Chernihiv region of Ukraine at about 1:08, the local monitoring channel "Belaruski Gayun" reported. At about 01:30 the fighter fighter flew from the Baranovichi airfield, and the inhabitants of the Gomel district heard two explosions. Belarusian aircraft did antitrone work, observers say. The Ministry of Defense of Belarus confirmed the destruction of drones, calling the event "the fact of violation of the state border in the airspace".

The next air defense forces have destroyed all the goals, the service check continues, said Sergei Frolov, the head of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Belarus. Later, Belaruski Gayun said that at least eight Shahmed flew in Belarus on September 5, at least two were destroyed.

The drone of the 1530th Anti-aircraft Missile Regiment of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was worked on the drone, which is armed with SCK C-400 and the SPR "Armond-C1", at the Aerodrom "Zyabrivka" of the Gomel district. One of the drones fell on the brick building of the warehouse in Gomel. Shakhda continued to enter the airspace of Belarus with courses on mozire, choins and Bragin. Part of the UAV returned to Ukraine.

It is noteworthy that the Belarusian military for the first time confirmed the arrival of drones from another country. The Defense Ministry did not specify that it was Russian drones. Before that, such cases have occurred several times, but they were reported exclusively monitoring channels. During the summer of 2024, "Shahda" at least four times penetrated to Belarus, the military even raised aviation.

On July 16, 2024, Belaruski Gayun celebrated the event of Shahd-131/136 in the Gomel region from the Chernobyl zone. The UAV exploded 55 kilometers from Bobruysk, 120 kilometers from the border with Ukraine. The explosion confirms that "Shahda" is not educational or reconnaissance, but combat with explosives on board, experts wrote. Also on August 29, the fighting work of the fighter of the Armed Forces of Belarus was reported on the UAV during the next attack of the Russian Federation in Ukraine.

The aircraft pursued the apparatus for about 20 minutes, and in the area of ​​03:55 in the Yale district of the Gomel region they heard at least two explosions and saw a bright outbreak in the sky. The mentioned incidents were left without official comments. Focus interviewed military experts have put forward several versions of the reasons for the arrivals of Russian drones in Belarus.

The occupiers can specifically start Shahda's border areas with Ukraine to remove them from the threats of Ukrainian air defense and HR. After that, the UAVs fly again to Ukraine, says the Executive Director of the Ukrainian Center for Security and Cooperation, military expert Dmitry Zhmaylo. Russia does not count with Belarus and conducts any military maneuvers in its territory. Moreover, there is also a Russian occupation contingent near the Ukrainian border, adds the analyst.

Another reason is the launch of "Shahaned", upgraded for air intelligence, aeration survey and rapid data transmission. As soon as all the processes are completed, the Russian air defense makes their demonstration destruction. In addition, the Russians try to confuse the Ukrainian defense forces: UAVs pass through the Kiev and Chernihiv regions and find themselves in Belarus. "The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation often launch drones through the Kiev reservoir on the border with Belarus.

In this way, they are moving above the water space, they are difficult to destroy the efforts of mobile air defense groups," he explains Focus. According to another version, Russian "Shahledi" fly into Belarus under the influence of new Ukrainian remedies of Reb, which knock out some drones from the course they set. Due to this, the drones turn into cities and other facilities in Ukraine.

Deputy Director of the Center for Army, Conversion and Disarmament Research, Michael Samus considers the arrival of Russian drones in Belarus an unplanned and non -standard situation. Russian military manufacturers could get into their hands poor quality navigation systems from China. "As soon as they are given good in Moscow, these drones are stuck. They could go into the running and faulty" chema ", who have gone from the course.

Obviously, after such incidents, there is a communication between Belarus and Russia," the expert comments. Lukashenko regime representatives do not recognize that the drone launched Russia during an attack in Ukraine. The drones will soon be called "Ukrainian" and accused Kiev of provocation, saying "Belaruski Gayun". However, the residents of Gomel did not inform about the danger from the air.

Also, no one has dealt with the arrival of more than 20 Russian ShahED-131/136 in Belarus in the last two months, indicates the monitoring resource. According to the observations of expert Dmitry Zhmaylo, Minsk will use fragments of whipped drones as a provocation: declare the destruction of the Ukrainian drone and accuse Kiev of "military escalation". Ukrainian air defense means do not knock goals over Belarus because they work within the functionality they set.

There was no data on the launch of UAV from the territory of Belarus in Ukraine, so in order to avoid "unnecessary incidents", Russian drones are destroying already over Ukraine, says Michael Samus. "The rally of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Belarus is a purely internal business of Lukashenko regime. If Belarusians do not mind, let the Russians block them" Shahaneda ", - he notes. Doubts that the Armed Forces will knock Russian drones over the territory of Belarus.