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According to European diplomats, Karl Nezammer, who delayed the decision on the ...

Following the example of Orban: Chancellor of Austria came out while reconciling sanctions against the Russian Federation - the media

According to European diplomats, Karl Nezammer, who delayed the decision on the 12th package against Russia, left the hall during its discussion to talk to Ursula von Der Lyen. Austria Chancellor Carl Negammer left the hall when the European Union leaders agreed the 12th Package of Sanctions against the Russian Federation. About it writes Politico on December 15, referring to the words of three European diplomats.

The sources of the publication claim that the departure of Negammer was a coincidence. According to them, the head of the Austrian government came out to talk to the chairman of the European Commission by Ursula von Der Lyen. According to diplomats, Negammer and von Der Lyen spoke about the accession of Romania and Bulgaria to the Schengen free movement. The written procedure for the sanctions package has not yet been reported.

The authors of the publication noted that the absence of a non -non -Nammer was "ironic", since the very day Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban left the hall during the vote for the beginning of Ukraine's accession to the EU, which was made unanimously. Recall that representatives of the EU countries have not yet achieved consent about the 12th EU sanctions package against Russia.