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Ukraine needs to grow up - and understand that not all of Europe treats Ukraine ...

Major buying premiums. Is Ukrainian society away from war?

Ukraine needs to grow up - and understand that not all of Europe treats Ukraine as Polish carriers, writes economist Sergei Fursa. And that not all Ukrainians treat the war like major ones who buy premium car. It is impossible to say that Europeans are assholes because a certain group of people who uphold their interests blocks the border of Ukraine. It is impossible to say that society has forgotten the war, if certain assholes, which before the war were assholes, behave like assholes.

Some Polish carriers block the border with Ukraine, creating problems for Ukrainian business. Is it nice? No. But. This in no way testifies to the attitude of Poland or the EU or EU citizens to Ukraine. It is just a struggle for the money of a certain group of people who defend their economic interests. And this is constantly happening in the EU. We just need to accept it and get used to it. Farmers in France can come and block roads in France itself, because they are fighting for money.

It doesn't say they are good people. Are they bad. Just money is important. And they fight for their interest. And they will also fight the Ukrainian entrance to the EU, trying to keep their subsidies. This is normal. We will see a lot of series of this series. And now a series about carriers. Who want to maintain this income level. And of course, they do not want to see Ukrainian competitors. But only their economic interest, and of course, they have to fight for it.

And most importantly, it does not mean that we are not waiting in the EU. This means that you need to be adults. Certain Ukrainian corrupt officials and major buy many new premiums. They arrange guns. And the war does not stop them. Does this mean that society is moving away from the army? Does this mean that society has thrown its soldiers? No. It is impossible to evaluate the whole society, based on the behavior of a particular group of people. Which before the war were scoundrels.

Does we wonder that they remain so during the war? Of course not. If someone is so - then you should also grow up. Because the scoundrel during the war is only transported in Marvel comics. And not always. If the corrupt officer was stolen before the war, he will continue to do so during the war. But are they a reflection of the whole society? Of course not. Did these people behave in the same way? And of course, yes.

Did we forget? So, is it nice to see so many luxury cars that are imported into Ukraine during the war, increasing imports at the same time? No. But is there any quick solution to re -educate such people? Quickly - no. There is a gradual increase in the efficiency of the anti -corruption system and the constant control of journalists who illuminate every such scoundrel. And so, every time to see another erythematosus that could never earn honestly, in the brand new Bentley is unpleasant.

But this is a treatment for the problem. Paradoxically it sounds. Because when corruption is silent, it does not mean that it is gone. And when corruption is spoken constantly, it does not mean that it is more than where it cannot be talked about. And if Ukrainian society is accustomed to tolerating corruption, which, of course, bad, it does not mean that this society has forgotten the war and threw its military. This is another problem.

And it is not very correct to demotivated the military, talking about the peaceful rear as a set of people who have forgotten about the war and all - corrupt. During the war and after the war there will be a lot that will separate us inside. As there will be many pro -Russian forces that will say that we do not need Europe and we need our way. These will be real problems.

And even knowing those people who left, you still look unpleasant to look at the stands of the stadium in Germany filled with fans. There will be many lines of split. Because there will be very different experience in different social groups. Between those who fought and those who were in the rear, between those who were in Ukraine and those who left. There are many points of split. And you do not need to create new ones yourself.