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The drones in the area of ​​the nuclear power plant have been recorded since Aug...

In Germany, drones are flying regularly: their launch is suspected of Russians - the media

The drones in the area of ​​the nuclear power plant have been recorded since August 8. Previously, they can be launched by Russians from ships in the North Sea. On the ground, Schleswig-Golstein in Germany, where there is a non-working nuclear power plant, the terminal of liquefied natural gas and chemical plants, drones that flew over the industrial zone at high speed were observed. About it writes Bild.

In addition, another drone flying at a speed of more than one hundred kilometers per hour was spotted in the sky above the nuclear power plant late on August 20. The last unknown drones in the area were recorded on Thursday, August 22. Schleswig-Golstein police have made part of their employees alert, as they suggest that a military drone crossed the faultless area. The prosecutor's office of the German city of Flelensburg launched an investigation into the incidents.

Due to repeated flights of drones over the most important infrastructure objects, the department has been suspected of agent for sabotage. The publication found that the flights of drones in the area of ​​the nuclear power plant are recorded since August 8. According to the previous version, they can be launched by Russians from ships in the North Sea.

National Security Service staff suggest that Russian agents launch UAV "Orlan-10", which have a radius of 500 to 600 kilometers and fly at a speed of more than 100 km/h. It should be noted that in the war against Ukraine, Russian invaders actively use "Orlan-10" to intelligence and reconciliation of the RSSU. Focus also wrote that the Federal Prosecutor's Office of Germany had charged two entrepreneurs for the supply of accessories to Russia bypassing the EU sanctions to Russia.