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The artist gave their assessment by the accusation by the blogger. 49-year-old U...

Andrei Danylko commented the embrace with the Russian showman

The artist gave their assessment by the accusation by the blogger. 49-year-old Ukrainian artist Andriy Danylko, the most famous to the public as Verka Serdyuchka, was in the center of the scandal after Blogger Alexei Holobutsky posted a few pictures of the showman with Russian Rustam Solntsev (Kalganov) on his FaseBobook page. According to the publication, Andrew is now abroad.

"Andriy Danylko did not come up with anything better than to go with a tour to North America and to record the Vicks not with Ukrainian bloggers, but with Russian. But with whom? The scandals, fights and pouring of the washing of everyone with whom they worked. Why not meet them? " - writes Holobutsky. He also states that this is not the first case of Zashvar. "In Ukraine, he carefully builds a patriotic image, and abroad he is drawn to" good Russians.

" There are many videos on the Internet about it, who is curious - in a comment I give a link to those "brotherly embrace", "the blogger added. He is further interested in why Danylko, being a conscript age, goes abroad, why the artist, positioning his concerts as charity, does not report on the amount of funds raised and where they were transferred. The author also asks why the Ukrainian artist can perform at corporate events with the wives of Russian oligarchs.

As an example, he gives a blogger Nick Belotserkovsk, a very famous personality in Russia, who danced under the songs of Verki Serdyuchka in Nice. Rustam Solntsev, who moved to the United States last year, posted on Instagram a photo and video of his meeting with Danylko, photographs from the post illustrated by the Ukrainian blogger. In the comments of thought about the written Holobutsky were divided.

"Well, Belotserkovskaya declared by an inagent in Rashka, a long time ago a citizen of France and very powerfully helps our volunteer fund" Light "(Svetlana Light). She finds and delivers unrealistic things for our military girls to the front. , "Belotserkovskaya helps the Armed Forces, Solntsev Kaapa as Rashka, it is all in the open access . . . Our Andriy Danylko Kruty and respect!" on the stage. On the T -shirt Panina inscription: Fuck putin.

Panin has open and clearly supported Ukraine "," With*Erdyuchka is no exception from this pop party. . They are forced to adapt, but in fact they are constantly drawn to their native, understandable and comfortable environment for them, "users write. Meanwhile, Andrei Danylko's team has already responded to criticism on the network. A number of media published a statement by a representative of the artist.

In a comment to UNIAN, a person approached a code that Solntsev came to Danylko after the concert to thank: "They are familiar for a long time. What scandal can be here? Especially in view of the anti -war and antiputin position of Solntsev. And who from the fans of Russian aggression. It will come to the "Concert under the lyrical name" Putin, that you are breath! " You just need to arrange scandals not to fall out of the media space. And we will continue to do our business.

I do not understand why Andrei Mikhailovich should report it before every blogger? He spends a lot of money to help Ukraine. In particular, he sold Freddie Mercury car for UAH 11 million and transferred them to Superhumans. Moreover, auctions were held in America, we raised money for drones. We do not publish this on social networks because we do not want to do it publicly, "-said Danylka's representative. The artist himself is actively touring.

A few days ago, he shared a picture with his stage" mother "Inna Belokon after a concert in Los Angeles on the social network. .

"Los Angeles, thank you very much for your incredibly warm reception! The unforgettable finale of the tour in the beautiful @thewiltern! Special thanks and respect - our brothers on weapons @Resilienceence and personally @golubchik for perfect work and full support! We were very moved by the unrealistic audience in all the cities of North America that we visited! Thank you for the support of Ukraine! Photos will be later! The next stop-Riga, Latvia, September 22, "Danylko said.