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The actor and secular lioness spent a great time at the party and went together....

Was obsessed with her: Tom Cruise was noticed in the company of the former wife of the Russian oligarch

The actor and secular lioness spent a great time at the party and went together. 61-year-old Hollywood actor Tom Cruz seems to have found new love. The celebrity was noticed in the company of 36-year-old secular lioness Elsina Hirova, the former wife of the Russian oligarch Dmitry Tsvetkov, who trades diamonds, and the daughter of the State Duma deputy from "Unified Russia" Rinat Hayrova, Daily Mail reports.

The couple noticed how she would "caress" at a party on Grozvenor Square in the prestigious London district of Meifer. "They were inseparable, clearly a couple. It seems that he was obsessed with it," one of the insiders told reporters. The appearance of a girl and a cult actor surprised a lot of guests. Hairova, dressed in a black -stranded -label dress with a diamond bow, posed for photos with Alyona Avramenko, a former participant in the Miss Europe Contest, and then danced with Cruz.

Tom and Elsin left the party in the morning, and they went together. "Cruise was very kind - he was constantly asked to be photographed, and he politely refused. In the end, DJ had to make an announcement in Russian that Mr. Cruise did not want any photos. He danced with Mrs. Hirova most of the night, but at some point he just found himself in the middle of the group Women, ”the source added. Hirova is a former model, a citizen of Great Britain.

Earlier, she was married to Russian magnate Dmitry Tsvetkov, with whom she lived in a mansion worth 22 million pounds in the Ventwort estate in Surrey. The couple also had a house in London worth 18 million pounds, real estate in Dubai and Cyprus, as well as cars, jewelry and collections of works of art for millions of pounds.

Their very sharp divorce got into the headlines of the newspapers in the summer after Hirerov was accused of concealment of significant assets from his ex -husband, including a collection of bags worth a million pounds. In 2022, the Court ordered Hirov to pay £ 17,000, which she owed the company that installed fountains in her home in Surrea. The secular lioness dumped all the blame on a man who is on the "list of the Kremlin's most wanted".

Elsin herself was called by some journalists almost Russian spy, who integrated into British society. For his part, Cruise, after divorce with his third wife, Katie Holmes, did not start a loud relationship 15 years ago. However, it has recently been rumored that he meets Shakira, as well as with his partner on the movie "The Mission is impossible" by Galei Etwell.

Although the American Sayntologist keeps silence about his personal life, he is always ready to discuss his love for Britain, where, in his opinion, "all such pleasant" and "educated". "I think I'm Anglophil. I spend a lot of time in Britain and not just because of work. I just like to be here," he said. In 2021, Tom visited three high -profile events in one day, publishing a photo from Gowudud, Wimbledon and the euro final for football.