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On the Day of Military Intelligence of Ukraine, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy me...

President of Ukraine on Military Intelligence Day: Thanks to intelligence and all our defense and security forces, Ukrainians feel that we can overcome Russia

On the Day of Military Intelligence of Ukraine, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy met with servicemen of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and presented high state awards. “We are proud of each of your operations, your heroism, your talent to make the enemy exactly such strokes that actually weaken it daily! Thanks to you we know what the enemy plans. We know his moods, his weaknesses.

Thanks to you and all our defense forces and security, Ukrainians feel that we can overcome Russia in the war and that it will be a historical achievement of modern generations of Ukrainians, ”the Head of State emphasized. The President personally and from all Ukrainians expressed gratitude to the military scouts for each day of their difficult, dangerous and such important work, although most of its elements cannot be spoken openly.

“Thank you for your extraordinary courage in the fighting on the front line. For your operations that you perform against the enemy - wherever you need. Thank you for your help to other soldiers of the Defense and Security Forces of Ukraine - always when needed. For assistance and supply of weapons for Ukraine. I thank your brilliant operations in different parts of the world, aimed only at the interests of Ukraine and Ukrainians, ”said Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

The President emphasized: our society remembers all the achievements of Ukrainian intelligence - from Afghanistan to Africa and on other continents - and is grateful for their work for the release of Ukrainian soldiers and civilians from Russian captivity. The head of state stressed that all citizens of Ukraine can be sure that at least where they are in trouble, they will definitely come to the rescue of the staff of the Main Intelligence Directorate.

The attendees also honored the memory of all military scouts who gave their lives for Ukraine. On the occasion of Military Intelligence Day, the President presented state awards to the GUR service. In particular, Volodymyr Zelenskyy passed the Order of the Golden Star to his wife Oleg Babi, who was awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine posthumously. Oleg Babiy was actively involved in the destruction of Russian troops since the beginning of combat in Ukraine.

From March 2022 he organized and carried out special measures in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine and in the enemy. Successful tasks by the group helped to disorganize the logistics of the invaders, to destroy its important objects and elements of critical infrastructure. In August 2023, a group headed by Oleg Babi entered the battle with the Federal Security Service of Russia, during which 15 FSBs were destroyed and enemy equipment was damaged.

The lieutenant colonel suffered a fatal injury. The Head of State also presented the reconnaissance of the President of Ukraine "Cross of Combat Merit", Order of Bohdan Khmelnitsky III degree, Order "For Courage" of I and III degrees, Order of Princess Olga III degree, medal "For military service of Ukraine", medal "For saved life and the shoulder straps of the highest military ranks.

In particular, the President awarded the title of Lieutenant General to the Chief of the Main Directorate of Intelligence Kirill Budanov and presented him with the appropriate shoulder straps. After the festivities, Volodymyr Zelenskyy inspected modern samples of military and special equipment, which are in service with the GUR of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. These include communications complexes, unmanned aircraft complexes, rifles of various types and equipment.